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DataLake API 2 v5.0.1

Scroll down for code samples, example requests and responses. Select a language for code samples from the tabs above or the mobile navigation menu.

DataLake API 2 is used to retrieve objects from eFitness database.
Authentication is required. Use basic authentication to provide user and password.

UpdatedFrom and/or UpdatedTo

ResultsLimit and ResultsPage

Incoming changes

Version history

1.1 (released: 2019-11-28)

1.2 (released: 2019-11-29)

1.3 (released: 2019-12-02)

1.4 (released: 2019-12-03)

2.0 (released: 2019-12-05)

2.1 (released: 2020-01-23)

2.2 (released: 2020-01-29)

2.3 (released: 2020-01-30)

2.4 (released: 2020-04-01)

2.5 (released: 2020-07-10)

2.6 (released: 2020-07-23)

3.0 (released: 2020-08-04)

4.0 (released: 2020-08-12)

5.0 (released: 2021-01-13)

5.0.1 (released: 2021-10-07)


Get chains

Code samples

GET /chains/ HTTP/1.1

Accept: application/json

GET /chains/

Get chain list.

Example responses

200 Response

    "Id": 0,
    "Name": "string"


Status Meaning Description Schema
200 OK successful operation Inline

Response Schema

Status Code 200

Array of chains

Name Type Required Restrictions Description
Array of chains [Chain] false none none
» Id integer false none none
» Name string false none none

Get clubs

Code samples

GET /clubs/?UpdatedFrom=2019-08-24&UpdatedTo=2019-08-24 HTTP/1.1

Accept: application/json

GET /clubs/

Get club list.


Name In Type Required Description
ClubId query integer false Id of the club
ChainId query integer false Id of the chain
UpdatedFrom query string(date) true Required if UpdateTo is not set
UpdatedTo query string(date) true Required if UpdatedFrom is not set

Example responses

200 Response

    "ClubId": 0,
    "ChainId": 0,
    "CreationDate": "2019-08-24",
    "LastUpdateDate": "2019-08-24",
    "Name": "string",
    "ChainName": "string",
    "Country": "string",
    "Address": "string",
    "ZipCode": "string",
    "City": "string",
    "SquareMeters": 0


Status Meaning Description Schema
200 OK successful operation Inline

Response Schema

Status Code 200

Array of clubs

Name Type Required Restrictions Description
Array of clubs [Club] false none none
» ClubId integer false none none
» ChainId integer false none none
» CreationDate string(date) false none none
» LastUpdateDate string(date) false none none
» Name string false none none
» ChainName string false none none
» Country string false none none
» Address string false none none
» ZipCode string false none none
» City string false none none
» SquareMeters integer false none none

Get companies

Code samples

GET /companies/?UpdatedFrom=2019-08-24&UpdatedTo=2019-08-24 HTTP/1.1

Accept: application/json

GET /companies/

Get company list.


Name In Type Required Description
ClubId query integer false Id of the club
ChainId query integer false Id of the chain
UpdatedFrom query string(date) true Required if UpdateTo is not set
UpdatedTo query string(date) true Required if UpdatedFrom is not set
ResultsLimit query string(integer) false Maximum number of objects retrieved in one request
ResultsPage query string(integer) false Result's page according to ResultsLimit setting

Example responses

200 Response

    "ClubId": 0,
    "ChainId": 0,
    "CreationDate": "2019-08-24",
    "LastUpdateDate": "2019-08-24",
    "Id": 0,
    "Deleted": 0,
    "Name": "string",
    "Street": "string",
    "City": "string",
    "ZipCode": "string",
    "Email": "string",
    "Phone": "string",
    "TRN": "string",
    "SubledgerFullNumber": "string"


Status Meaning Description Schema
200 OK successful operation Inline

Response Schema

Status Code 200

Array of companies

Name Type Required Restrictions Description
Array of companies [Company] false none none
» ClubId integer false none none
» ChainId integer false none none
» CreationDate string(date) false none none
» LastUpdateDate string(date) false none none
» Id integer false none none
» Deleted integer false none none
» Name string false none none
» Street string false none none
» City string false none none
» ZipCode string false none none
» Email string false none none
» Phone string false none none
» TRN string false none none
» SubledgerFullNumber string false none none

Get roles

Code samples

GET /roles/ HTTP/1.1

Accept: application/json

GET /roles/

Get user's role list.


Name In Type Required Description
ClubId query integer false Id of the club
ChainId query integer false Id of the chain

Example responses

200 Response

    "ClubId": 0,
    "ChainId": 0,
    "Id": 0,
    "Name": "string",
    "IsAdministrator": 0


Status Meaning Description Schema
200 OK successful operation Inline

Response Schema

Status Code 200

Array of roles

Name Type Required Restrictions Description
Array of roles [Role] false none none
» ClubId integer false none none
» ChainId integer false none none
» Id integer false none none
» Name string false none none
» IsAdministrator integer false none none

Get users

Code samples

GET /users/?UpdatedFrom=2019-08-24&UpdatedTo=2019-08-24 HTTP/1.1

Accept: application/json

GET /users/

Get chain or club user list.


Name In Type Required Description
ClubId query integer false Id of the club
ChainId query integer false Id of the chain
UpdatedFrom query string(date) true Id of the chain
UpdatedTo query string(date) true Required if UpdatedFrom is not set
ResultsLimit query string(integer) false Maximum number of objects retrieved in one request
ResultsPage query string(integer) false Result's page according to ResultsLimit setting

Example responses

200 Response

    "ClubId": 0,
    "ChainId": 0,
    "CreationDate": "2019-08-24",
    "LastUpdateDate": "2019-08-24",
    "Id": 0,
    "UserId": 0,
    "Login": "string",
    "FirstName": "string",
    "Surname": "string",
    "Nip": "string",
    "RatePerHour": 0,
    "Email": "string",
    "Phone": "string",
    "HasAccess": 0,
    "IsDeleted": 0,
    "IsInstructor": 0,
    "IsAgreementPromotor": 0,
    "IsDealer": 0,
    "IsCoach": 0,
    "RoleIds": "3;5;12"


Status Meaning Description Schema
200 OK successful operation Inline

Response Schema

Status Code 200

Array of users

Name Type Required Restrictions Description
Array of users [User] false none none
» ClubId integer false none none
» ChainId integer false none none
» CreationDate string(date) false none none
» LastUpdateDate string(date) false none none
» Id integer false none Unique id defined for every entry of user in each club
» UserId integer false none Unique id of user credentials and data; not unique
» Login string false none none
» FirstName string false none none
» Surname string false none none
» Nip string false none none
» RatePerHour number false none none
» Email string false none none
» Phone string false none none
» HasAccess integer false none none
» IsDeleted integer false none none
» IsInstructor integer false none none
» IsAgreementPromotor integer false none none
» IsDealer integer false none none
» IsCoach integer false none none
» RoleIds string false none Role ids separated by ;


Get members

Code samples

GET /members/?UpdatedFrom=2019-08-24&UpdatedTo=2019-08-24 HTTP/1.1

Accept: application/json

GET /members/

Get member list.


Name In Type Required Description
ClubId query integer false Id of the club
ChainId query integer false Id of the chain
UpdatedFrom query string(date) true Required if UpdateTo is not set
UpdatedTo query string(date) true Required if UpdatedFrom is not set
ResultsLimit query string(integer) false Maximum number of objects retrieved in one request
ResultsPage query string(integer) false Result's page according to ResultsLimit setting

Example responses

200 Response

    "ClubId": 0,
    "ChainId": 0,
    "CreationDate": "2019-08-24",
    "LastUpdateDate": "2019-08-24",
    "Id": 0,
    "Deleted": 0,
    "SalesmanId": 0,
    "TrainerId": 0,
    "MemberSourceTypeId": 0,
    "FirstName": "string",
    "Surname": "string",
    "Sex": 0,
    "BirthDate": "2019-08-24",
    "RecommendingMemberId": 0,
    "Email": "string",
    "Phone": "string",
    "CellPhoneCountryCode": "string",
    "CellPhone": "string",
    "PersonalIdentityNumber": "string",
    "TaxNumber": "string",
    "MemberStatusId": 0,
    "MemberParentId": 0,
    "MemberPayerId": 0,
    "CompanyId": 0,
    "IsPotentialClient": 0,
    "City": "string",
    "ZipCode": "string",
    "Address": "string",
    "HouseNumber": "string",
    "CorrespondenceCity": "string",
    "CorrespondenceZipCode": "string",
    "CorrespondenceAddress": "string",
    "CorrespondenceHouseNumber": "string",
    "Tags": "tag1;tag2",
    "SourceTypeId": 0,
    "SourceTypeName": "string",
    "CurrentBankAccountOwnerName": "string",
    "CurrentBankAccountBankName": "string",
    "CurrentBankAccountNumber": "string",
    "CurrentBankAccountBIC": "string",
    "CountryCode": 0,
    "SubledgerFullNumber": "string",
    "IBAN": "string"


Status Meaning Description Schema
200 OK successful operation Inline

Response Schema

Status Code 200

Array of members

Name Type Required Restrictions Description
Array of members [Member] false none none
» ClubId integer false none none
» ChainId integer false none none
» CreationDate string(date) false none none
» LastUpdateDate string(date) false none none
» Id integer false none none
» Deleted integer false none none
» SalesmanId integer false none none
» TrainerId integer false none none
» MemberSourceTypeId integer false none none
» FirstName string false none none
» Surname string false none none
» Sex integer false none none
» BirthDate string(date) false none none
» RecommendingMemberId integer false none none
» Email string false none none
» Phone string false none none
» CellPhoneCountryCode string false none none
» CellPhone string false none none
» PersonalIdentityNumber string false none none
» TaxNumber string false none none
» MemberStatusId integer false none none
» MemberParentId integer false none none
» MemberPayerId integer false none none
» CompanyId integer false none none
» IsPotentialClient integer false none none
» City string false none none
» ZipCode string false none none
» Address string false none none
» HouseNumber string false none none
» CorrespondenceCity string false none none
» CorrespondenceZipCode string false none none
» CorrespondenceAddress string false none none
» CorrespondenceHouseNumber string false none none
» Tags string false none Tag list separated by ;
» SourceTypeId integer false none none
» SourceTypeName string false none none
» CurrentBankAccountOwnerName string false none none
» CurrentBankAccountBankName string false none none
» CurrentBankAccountNumber string false none none
» CurrentBankAccountBIC string false none none
» CountryCode integer false none Code mapping: 0=>AF, 1=>AL, 2=>DZ, 3=>AD, 4=>AO, 5=>AI, 6=>AQ, 7=>AG, 8=>SA, 9=>AR, 10=>AM, 11=>AW, 12=>AU, 13=>AT, 14=>AZ, 15=>BS, 16=>BH, 17=>BD, 18=>BB, 19=>BE, 20=>BZ, 21=>BJ, 22=>BM, 23=>BT, 24=>BY, 25=>BO, 26=>BQ, 27=>BA, 28=>BW, 29=>BR, 30=>BN, 31=>IO, 32=>VG, 33=>BG, 34=>BF, 35=>BI, 36=>CL, 37=>CN, 38=>HR, 39=>CW, 40=>CY, 41=>TD, 42=>ME, 43=>CZ, 44=>UM, 45=>DK, 46=>CD, 47=>DM, 48=>DO, 49=>DJ, 50=>EG, 51=>EC, 52=>ER, 53=>EE, 54=>ET, 55=>FK, 56=>FJ, 57=>PH, 58=>FI, 59=>FR, 60=>TF, 61=>GA, 62=>GM, 63=>GS, 64=>GH, 65=>GI, 66=>GR, 67=>GD, 68=>GL, 69=>GE, 70=>GU, 71=>GG, 72=>GF, 73=>GY, 74=>GP, 75=>GT, 76=>GW, 77=>GQ, 78=>GN, 79=>HT, 80=>ES, 81=>NL, 82=>HN, 83=>HK, 84=>IN, 85=>ID, 86=>IQ, 87=>IR, 88=>IE, 89=>IS, 90=>IL, 91=>JM, 92=>JP, 93=>YE, 94=>JE, 95=>JO, 96=>KY, 97=>KH, 98=>CM, 99=>CA, 100=>QA, 101=>KZ, 102=>KE, 103=>KG, 104=>KI, 105=>CO, 106=>KM, 107=>CG, 108=>KR, 109=>KP, 110=>CR, 111=>CU, 112=>KW, 113=>LA, 114=>LS, 115=>LB, 116=>LR, 117=>LY, 118=>LI, 119=>LT, 120=>LU, 121=>LV, 122=>MK, 123=>MG, 124=>YT, 125=>MO, 126=>MW, 127=>MV, 128=>MY, 129=>ML, 130=>MT, 131=>MP, 132=>MA, 133=>MQ, 134=>MR, 135=>MU, 136=>MX, 137=>FM, 138=>MM, 139=>MD, 140=>MC, 141=>MN, 142=>MS, 143=>MZ, 144=>NA, 145=>NR, 146=>NP, 147=>DE, 148=>NE, 149=>NG, 150=>NI, 151=>NU, 152=>NF, 153=>NO, 154=>NC, 155=>NZ, 156=>OM, 157=>PK, 158=>PW, 159=>PS, 160=>PA, 161=>PG, 162=>PY, 163=>PE, 164=>PN, 165=>PF, 166=>PL, 167=>PR, 168=>PT, 169=>ZA, 170=>CF, 171=>CV, 172=>RE, 173=>RU, 174=>RO, 175=>RW, 176=>EH, 177=>KN, 178=>LC, 179=>VC, 180=>BL, 181=>MF, 182=>PM, 183=>SV, 184=>AS, 185=>WS, 186=>SM, 187=>SN, 188=>RS, 189=>SC, 190=>SL, 191=>SG, 192=>SX, 193=>SK, 194=>SI, 195=>SO, 196=>LK, 197=>US, 198=>SZ, 199=>SD, 200=>SS, 201=>SR, 202=>SJ, 203=>SY, 204=>CH, 205=>SE, 206=>TJ, 207=>TH, 208=>TW, 209=>TZ, 210=>TL, 211=>TG, 212=>TK, 213=>TO, 214=>TT, 215=>TN, 216=>TR, 217=>TM, 218=>TC, 219=>TV, 220=>UG, 221=>UA, 222=>UY, 223=>UZ, 224=>VU, 225=>WF, 226=>VA, 227=>VE, 228=>HU, 229=>GB, 230=>VN, 231=>IT, 232=>CI, 233=>BV, 234=>CX, 235=>IM, 236=>SH, 237=>AX, 238=>CK, 239=>VI, 240=>HM, 241=>CC, 242=>MH, 243=>FO, 244=>SB, 245=>ST, 246=>ZM, 247=>ZW, 248=>AE,
» SubledgerFullNumber string false none none
» IBAN string false none none

Get member bank accounts

Code samples

GET /memberbankaccounts/?UpdatedFrom=2019-08-24&UpdatedTo=2019-08-24 HTTP/1.1

Accept: application/json

GET /memberbankaccounts/

Get member credit card list. Important: UpdatedFrom or UpdatedTo or MemberId are required. See main assumptions.


Name In Type Required Description
ClubId query integer false Id of the club
ChainId query integer false Id of the chain
MemberId query integer false Id of a member. If set, dates are not required
UpdatedFrom query string(date) true Required if UpdateTo is not set
UpdatedTo query string(date) true Required if UpdatedFrom is not set
ResultsLimit query string(integer) false Maximum number of objects retrieved in one request
ResultsPage query string(integer) false Result's page according to ResultsLimit setting

Example responses

200 Response

    "ClubId": 0,
    "ChainId": 0,
    "CreationDate": "2019-08-24",
    "LastUpdateDate": "2019-08-24",
    "MemberId": 0,
    "OwnerName": "string",
    "BankName": "string",
    "Number": "string",
    "BIC": "string"


Status Meaning Description Schema
200 OK successful operation Inline

Response Schema

Status Code 200

Array of member bank accounts

Name Type Required Restrictions Description
Array of member bank accounts [MemberBankAccount] false none none
» ClubId integer false none none
» ChainId integer false none none
» CreationDate string(date) false none none
» LastUpdateDate string(date) false none none
» MemberId integer false none none
» OwnerName string false none none
» BankName string false none none
» Number string false none none
» BIC string false none none

Get member credit cards

Code samples

GET /membercreditcards/?UpdatedFrom=2019-08-24&UpdatedTo=2019-08-24 HTTP/1.1

Accept: application/json

GET /membercreditcards/

Get member credit card list. Important: UpdatedFrom or UpdatedTo or MemberId are required. See main assumptions.


Name In Type Required Description
ClubId query integer false Id of the club
ChainId query integer false Id of the chain
MemberId query integer false Id of a member. If set, dates are not required
UpdatedFrom query string(date) true Required if UpdateTo is not set
UpdatedTo query string(date) true Required if UpdatedFrom is not set
ResultsLimit query string(integer) false Maximum number of objects retrieved in one request
ResultsPage query string(integer) false Result's page according to ResultsLimit setting

Example responses

200 Response

    "ClubId": 0,
    "ChainId": 0,
    "MemberId": 0,
    "CreationDate": "2019-08-24",
    "LastUpdateDate": "2019-08-24",
    "CreditCardNumber": "1234",
    "ValidThruYear": "2022",
    "ValidThruMonth": "9"


Status Meaning Description Schema
200 OK successful operation Inline

Response Schema

Status Code 200

Array of member credit cards

Name Type Required Restrictions Description
Array of member credit cards [MemberCreditCard] false none none
» ClubId integer false none none
» ChainId integer false none none
» MemberId integer false none none
» CreationDate string(date) false none none
» LastUpdateDate string(date) false none none
» CreditCardNumber string false none Last 4 digits
» ValidThruYear string false none e.g. 2022
» ValidThruMonth string false none e.g. 1 or 12

Get member statuses

Code samples

GET /memberstatuses/ HTTP/1.1

Accept: application/json

GET /memberstatuses/

Get dictionary of member statuses.

Example responses

200 Response

    "Id": 0,
    "Name": "string",
    "Description": "string"


Status Meaning Description Schema
200 OK successful operation Inline

Response Schema

Status Code 200

Array of member statuses

Name Type Required Restrictions Description
Array of member statuses [MemberStatus] false none none
» Id integer false none Id of member status
» Name string false none Name of member status
» Description string false none Description of member status

Get member status history

Code samples

GET /memberstatushistory/?DateFrom=2019-08-24&DateTo=2019-08-24 HTTP/1.1

Accept: application/json

GET /memberstatushistory/

Get member status history. Data is available only if status was changed.
Important: DateFrom or DateTo are required. See main assumptions.


Name In Type Required Description
ClubId query integer false Id of the club
ChainId query integer false Id of the chain
MemberId query integer false Id of a member
DateFrom query string(date) true Compares with MemberStatusHistory.DateAdded
DateTo query string(date) true Compares with MemberStatusHistory.DateAdded. Limits to previous day entries.
ResultsLimit query string(integer) false Maximum number of objects retrieved in one request
ResultsPage query string(integer) false Result's page according to ResultsLimit setting

Example responses

200 Response

    "ClubId": 0,
    "ChainId": 0,
    "Id": 0,
    "DateAdded": "2019-11-12 09:21:54.490",
    "MemberId": 0,
    "Status": 0,
    "PreviousStatus": 0


Status Meaning Description Schema
200 OK successful operation Inline

Response Schema

Status Code 200

Array of member status history

Name Type Required Restrictions Description
Array of member status history [MemberStatusHistory] false none none
» ClubId integer false none none
» ChainId integer false none none
» Id integer false none none
» DateAdded string(date) false none Date with time, request parameters DateFrom and DateTo check this value.
» MemberId integer false none none
» Status integer false none none
» PreviousStatus integer false none none

Get member bonus points

Code samples

GET /memberbonuspoints/?DateFrom=2019-08-24&DateTo=2019-08-24 HTTP/1.1

Accept: application/json

GET /memberbonuspoints/

Get member bonus points history. Important: DateFrom or DateTo are required. See main assumptions.


Name In Type Required Description
ClubId query integer false Id of the club
ChainId query integer false Id of the chain
MemberId query integer false Id of a member
DateFrom query string(date) true Date from when bonus points was added
DateTo query string(date) true Date to when bonus points was added
ResultsLimit query string(integer) false Maximum number of objects retrieved in one request
ResultsPage query string(integer) false Result's page according to ResultsLimit setting

Example responses

200 Response

    "ClubId": 0,
    "ChainId": 0,
    "CreationDate": "2019-08-24",
    "Id": 0,
    "MemberId": 0,
    "UserId": 0,
    "Value": 0,
    "Type": 0,
    "ObjectId": 0,
    "Description": "string"


Status Meaning Description Schema
200 OK successful operation Inline

Response Schema

Status Code 200

Array of member bonus points

Name Type Required Restrictions Description
Array of member bonus points [MemberBonusPoint] false none none
» ClubId integer false none none
» ChainId integer false none none
» CreationDate string(date) false none none
» Id integer false none none
» MemberId integer false none none
» UserId integer false none none
» Value number false none none
» Type integer false none 0 - Bar, 2 - Other, 3 - Installment, 5 - Charge
» ObjectId integer false none none
» Description string false none none

Memberships and agreements

Get memberships

Code samples

GET /memberships/?UpdatedFrom=2019-08-24&UpdatedTo=2019-08-24 HTTP/1.1

Accept: application/json

GET /memberships/

Get memberships.


Name In Type Required Description
ClubId query integer false Id of the club
ChainId query integer false Id of the chain
UpdatedFrom query string(date) true Required if UpdateTo is not set
UpdatedTo query string(date) true Required if UpdatedFrom is not set
ResultsLimit query string(integer) false Maximum number of objects retrieved in one request
ResultsPage query string(integer) false Result's page according to ResultsLimit setting

Example responses

200 Response

    "ClubId": 0,
    "ChainId": 0,
    "CreationDate": "2019-08-24",
    "LastUpdateDate": "2019-08-24",
    "Id": 0,
    "IsDeleted": 0,
    "Name": "string",
    "MembershipType": 0,
    "PeriodTime": 0,
    "PeriodType": 0,
    "IsFrontendVisible": 0,
    "SaleAnalyticAccount": "string",
    "AgreementFromFrontendVisibility": "2019-08-24",
    "AgreementToFrontendVisibility": "2019-08-24",
    "ValidFrom": "2019-08-24",
    "ValidTo": "2019-08-24",
    "SalesCategoryId": 0,
    "InstallmentPrice": 0,
    "MaxDiscount": 0,
    "NumberOfInstallments": 0,
    "FreezeAnalyticAccount": "string",
    "IsParallel": 0,
    "IsBackendVisible": 0,
    "TerminationPeriod": 0,
    "MinInstalmentsCountBeforeNotice": 0,
    "IsCurrentInstallmentDuringTerminationType": 0,
    "IsCurrentInstallmentDuringTerminationCount": 0,
    "AllowChoiceOfTerminationDate": 0,
    "TerminationFee": 0,
    "TerminationVat": 0,
    "TerminationFiscalName": "string",
    "InstallmentsDueImmediately": "string",
    "MaxSuspensions": 0,
    "MaxSuspensionTime": 0,
    "MaxSuspensionType": 0,
    "EntryLimitPerDay": 0,
    "EntryLimitPerWeek": 0,
    "EntryLimitPerMonth": 0,
    "EntryLimitPerFourWeeks": 0,
    "IsAdministrativeCharge": 0,
    "IsEnrollmentCharge": 0,
    "IsNotAdministrativeFeeWhenMemberIsCharged": 0,
    "EnableTerminationOfUnpaidAgreement": 0,
    "InstallmentScheduleType": 0,
    "SupplementaryFirstDayOfMonthInstallment": 0,
    "VatRate": 0,
    "FiscalName": "string",
    "AddDateToFiscalName": 0,
    "CommissionType": 0,
    "CommissionFirst": 0,
    "CommissionNext": 0,
    "IsInReports": 0,
    "AgeLimitFrom": 0,
    "AgeLimitTo": 0,
    "ConsiderPeriod": 0,
    "RenewalMonths": 0,
    "EndType": 0,
    "RenewalBeforeEndTime": 0,
    "RenewalBeforeEndType": 0,
    "MembershipIdToExtendCurrent": 0,
    "InstallmentPriceAfterRenewal": 0,
    "DaysToWarnBeforeAgreementEnds": 0,
    "InstallmentPriceDuringFreeze": 0,
    "VatDuringFreeze": 0,
    "FreezeFiscalName": "string",
    "AddDateToFreezeFiscalName": 0,
    "MaxFreezeCount": 0,
    "MaxFreezeDuration": 0,
    "DaysForFreezingNextinstallment": 0,
    "FreezingExtendsDuration": 0,
    "CanFreezeOngoingInstallment": 0,
    "IsFreezingReasonRequired": 0,
    "IsMaintenanceFee": 0,
    "InternetName": "string",
    "CategoryId": 0,
    "InternetPriority": 0,
    "JoiningFee": 0,
    "AdministrativeFee": 0,
    "AllowToTerminateOnline": 0,
    "AllowToCancelOnline": 0,
    "InternetDescription": "string"


Status Meaning Description Schema
200 OK successful operation Inline

Response Schema

Status Code 200

Array of memberships

Name Type Required Restrictions Description
Array of memberships [Membership] false none none
» ClubId integer false none none
» ChainId integer false none none
» CreationDate string(date) false none none
» LastUpdateDate string(date) false none none
» Id integer false none none
» IsDeleted integer false none none
» Name string false none none
» MembershipType integer false none none
» PeriodTime integer false none none
» PeriodType integer false none Values are: 0 - days, 1 - weeks, 1 - months, 4 - four weeks, 5 - two weeks, 6 - three months
» IsFrontendVisible integer false none Is available in Frontend
» SaleAnalyticAccount string false none none
» AgreementFromFrontendVisibility string(date) false none If set membership is visible in Frontend from this date
» AgreementToFrontendVisibility string(date) false none If set membership is visible in Frontend to this date
» ValidFrom string(date) false none If set membership have to be bought in Frontend from this date
» ValidTo string(date) false none If set membership have to be bought in Frontend to this date
» SalesCategoryId integer false none none
» InstallmentPrice number false none none
» MaxDiscount number(integer) false none In percents
» NumberOfInstallments integer false none none
» FreezeAnalyticAccount string false none none
» IsParallel integer false none Is parallel or overlaping
» IsBackendVisible integer false none Sale in club is allowed
» TerminationPeriod integer false none none
» MinInstalmentsCountBeforeNotice integer false none Allow membership termination after instalment no.
» IsCurrentInstallmentDuringTerminationType integer false none Current installment during termination period. Values: 0 - No, 1 - Up to x days since installment's starting date, 2 - up to x days before installment's ending date
» IsCurrentInstallmentDuringTerminationCount integer false none Value set in IsCurrentInstallmentDuringTerminationType is set to 1 or 2.
» AllowChoiceOfTerminationDate integer false none none
» TerminationFee number false none none
» TerminationVat number false none none
» TerminationFiscalName string false none Short name printed on receipt during termination.
» InstallmentsDueImmediately string false none none
» MaxSuspensions integer false none none
» MaxSuspensionTime integer false none none
» MaxSuspensionType integer false none Period type for MaxSuspensionTime. Values: 0 - days, 1 - weeks, 2 - months
» EntryLimitPerDay integer false none none
» EntryLimitPerWeek integer false none none
» EntryLimitPerMonth integer false none none
» EntryLimitPerFourWeeks integer false none none
» IsAdministrativeCharge integer false none none
» IsEnrollmentCharge integer false none none
» IsNotAdministrativeFeeWhenMemberIsCharged integer false none Do not charge administrative fee at the time member is added
» EnableTerminationOfUnpaidAgreement integer false none none
» InstallmentScheduleType integer false none 0 - standard, 1 - supplement, 2 - reversal supplement
» SupplementaryFirstDayOfMonthInstallment integer false none If set to 1: Add a supplementary installment to agreements signed on the first day of the month
» VatRate number false none none
» FiscalName string false none Name printed on receipt
» AddDateToFiscalName integer false none Add installment duration to description
» CommissionType integer false none Commission for staff who sold membership: 0 or empty value - no commission, 1 - agreement, 2 - installment
» CommissionFirst number false none none
» CommissionNext number false none none
» IsInReports integer false none none
» AgeLimitFrom integer false none none
» AgeLimitTo integer false none none
» ConsiderPeriod integer false none Take membership period into account
» RenewalMonths integer false none Promotional membership renewal
» EndType integer false none What happens when agreement ends: 0 - do nothing, 1 - automatic renewal, 2 - change membership period to indefinite, 3 - continue with selected agreement)
» RenewalBeforeEndTime integer false none How much time before agreement ends automatic renewal occurs
» RenewalBeforeEndType integer false none 1 - days, 2 - weeks, 3 - months
» MembershipIdToExtendCurrent integer false none Membership Id that will extend current membership
» InstallmentPriceAfterRenewal number false none none
» DaysToWarnBeforeAgreementEnds integer false none none
» InstallmentPriceDuringFreeze number false none none
» VatDuringFreeze number false none none
» FreezeFiscalName string false none Name on the receipt during freeze
» AddDateToFreezeFiscalName integer false none none
» MaxFreezeCount integer false none none
» MaxFreezeDuration integer false none none
» DaysForFreezingNextinstallment integer false none none
» FreezingExtendsDuration integer false none none
» CanFreezeOngoingInstallment integer false none none
» IsFreezingReasonRequired integer false none none
» IsMaintenanceFee integer false none none
» InternetName string false none Membership name in frontend
» CategoryId integer false none none
» InternetPriority integer false none none
» JoiningFee integer false none none
» AdministrativeFee number false none none
» AllowToTerminateOnline integer false none Allow member to terminate membership
» AllowToCancelOnline integer false none Allow membership cancellation after first failed credit/debit card payment
» InternetDescription string false none Membership additional description in frontend

Get agreements

Code samples

GET /agreements/?UpdatedFrom=2019-08-24&UpdatedTo=2019-08-24 HTTP/1.1

Accept: application/json

GET /agreements/

Get agreements. Important: UpdatedFrom or UpdatedTo or MemberId are required. See main assumptions.


Name In Type Required Description
ClubId query integer false Id of the club
ChainId query integer false Id of the chain
MemberId query integer false Id of a member. If set, dates are not required
UpdatedFrom query string(date) true Required if UpdateTo is not set
UpdatedTo query string(date) true Required if UpdatedFrom is not set
ResultsLimit query string(integer) false Maximum number of objects retrieved in one request
ResultsPage query string(integer) false Result's page according to ResultsLimit setting

Example responses

200 Response

    "ClubId": 0,
    "ChainId": 0,
    "MemberId": 0,
    "MembershipId": 0,
    "CreationDate": "2019-08-24",
    "LastUpdateDate": "2019-08-24",
    "Id": 0,
    "SalesmanId": 0,
    "DateFrom": "2019-08-24",
    "DateTo": "2019-08-24",
    "Number": "string",
    "Price": 0,
    "InstallmentPrice": 0,
    "Installments": 0,
    "SigningDate": "2019-08-24",
    "IsCancelled": 0,
    "RenunciationDate": "2019-08-24",
    "TerminationDate": "2019-08-24",
    "TerminationReason": "string",
    "TerminationUserID": 0,
    "SuspensionFrom": "2019-08-24",
    "SuspensionTo": "2019-08-24",
    "NoTimeLimitSuspensionDate": "2019-08-24",
    "CurrentAgreementFreezeId": 0,
    "PercentageDiscount": 0,
    "PeriodTime": 0,
    "PeriodType": 0,
    "IsParallel": 0,
    "TerminationPeriod": 0,
    "MinInstalmentsCountBeforeNotice": 0,
    "IsCurrentInstallmentDuringTerminationType": 0,
    "IsCurrentInstallmentDuringTerminationCount": 0,
    "AllowChoiceOfTerminationDate": 0,
    "TerminationFee": 0,
    "TerminationVat": 0,
    "TerminationFiscalName": "string",
    "InstallmentsDueImmediately": "string",
    "MaxSuspensions": 0,
    "MaxSuspensionTime": 0,
    "MaxSuspensionType": 0,
    "EntryLimitPerDay": 0,
    "EntryLimitPerWeek": 0,
    "EntryLimitPerMonth": 0,
    "EntryLimitPerFourWeeks": 0,
    "EnableTerminationOfUnpaidAgreement": 0,
    "InstallmentScheduleType": 0,
    "VatRate": null,
    "FiscalName": "string",
    "AddDateToFiscalName": 0,
    "CommissionType": 0,
    "CommissionFirst": null,
    "CommissionNext": null,
    "AgeLimitFrom": 0,
    "AgeLimitTo": 0,
    "ValidFrom": "2019-08-24",
    "ValidTo": "2019-08-24",
    "RenewalMonths": 0,
    "EndType": 0,
    "RenewalBeforeEndTime": 0,
    "RenewalBeforeEndType": 0,
    "MembershipIdToExtendCurrent": 0,
    "DaysToWarnBeforeAgreementEnds": 0,
    "InstallmentPriceDuringFreeze": null,
    "VatDuringFreeze": null,
    "FreezeFiscalName": "string",
    "MaxFreezeCount": 0,
    "MaxFreezeDuration": 0,
    "DaysForFreezingNextinstallment": 0,
    "FreezingExtendsDuration": 0,
    "CanFreezeOngoingInstallment": 0,
    "IsFreezingReasonRequired": 0,
    "JoiningCharge": 0,
    "AllowToTerminateOnline": 0,
    "AllowToCancelOnline": 0,
    "SaleAnalyticAccount": "string",
    "FreezeAnalyticAccount": "string",
    "RenunciationPlace": 0


Status Meaning Description Schema
200 OK successful operation Inline

Response Schema

Status Code 200

Array of agreements

Name Type Required Restrictions Description
Array of agreements [Agreement] false none none
» ClubId integer false none none
» ChainId integer false none none
» MemberId integer false none none
» MembershipId integer false none none
» CreationDate string(date) false none none
» LastUpdateDate string(date) false none none
» Id integer false none none
» SalesmanId integer false none none
» DateFrom string(date) false none none
» DateTo string(date) false none none
» Number string false none none
» Price number false none none
» InstallmentPrice number false none none
» Installments integer false none none
» SigningDate string(date) false none none
» IsCancelled integer false none none
» RenunciationDate string(date) false none none
» TerminationDate string(date) false none none
» TerminationReason string false none none
» TerminationUserID integer false none none
» SuspensionFrom string(date) false none none
» SuspensionTo string(date) false none none
» NoTimeLimitSuspensionDate string(date) false none none
» CurrentAgreementFreezeId integer false none none
» PercentageDiscount number false none none
» PeriodTime integer false none none
» PeriodType integer false none Values are: 0 - days, 1 - weeks, 2 - months, 4 - four weeks, 5 - two weeks, 6 - three months
» IsParallel integer false none Is parallel or overlaping
» TerminationPeriod integer false none none
» MinInstalmentsCountBeforeNotice integer false none Allow membership termination after instalment no.
» IsCurrentInstallmentDuringTerminationType integer false none Current installment during termination period. Values: 0 - No, 1 - Up to x days since installment's starting date, 2 - up to x days before installment's ending date
» IsCurrentInstallmentDuringTerminationCount integer false none Value set in IsCurrentInstallmentDuringTerminationType is set to 1 or 2.
» AllowChoiceOfTerminationDate integer false none none
» TerminationFee number false none none
» TerminationVat number false none none
» TerminationFiscalName string false none Short name printed on receipt during termination.
» InstallmentsDueImmediately string false none none
» MaxSuspensions integer false none none
» MaxSuspensionTime integer false none none
» MaxSuspensionType integer false none Period type for MaxSuspensionTime. Values: 0 - days, 1 - weeks, 2 - months
» EntryLimitPerDay integer false none none
» EntryLimitPerWeek integer false none none
» EntryLimitPerMonth integer false none none
» EntryLimitPerFourWeeks integer false none none
» EnableTerminationOfUnpaidAgreement integer false none none
» InstallmentScheduleType integer false none 0 - standard, 1 - supplement, 2 - reversal supplement
» VatRate float false none none
» FiscalName string false none Name printed on receipt
» AddDateToFiscalName integer false none Add installment duration to description
» CommissionType integer false none Commission for staff who sold membership: 0 or empty value - no commission, 1 - agreement, 2 - installment
» CommissionFirst float false none none
» CommissionNext float false none none
» AgeLimitFrom integer false none none
» AgeLimitTo integer false none none
» ValidFrom string(date) false none none
» ValidTo string(date) false none none
» RenewalMonths integer false none Promotional membership renewal
» EndType integer false none What happens when agreement ends: 0 - do nothing, 1 - automatic renewal, 2 - change membership period to indefinite, 3 - continue with selected agreement)
» RenewalBeforeEndTime integer false none How much time before agreement ends automatic renewal occurs
» RenewalBeforeEndType integer false none 1 - days, 2 - weeks, 3 - months
» MembershipIdToExtendCurrent integer false none Membership Id that will extend current membership
» DaysToWarnBeforeAgreementEnds integer false none none
» InstallmentPriceDuringFreeze float false none none
» VatDuringFreeze float false none none
» FreezeFiscalName string false none Name on the receipt during freeze
» MaxFreezeCount integer false none none
» MaxFreezeDuration integer false none none
» DaysForFreezingNextinstallment integer false none none
» FreezingExtendsDuration integer false none none
» CanFreezeOngoingInstallment integer false none none
» IsFreezingReasonRequired integer false none none
» JoiningCharge number false none none
» AllowToTerminateOnline integer false none Allow member to terminate membership
» AllowToCancelOnline integer false none Allow membership cancellation after first failed credit/debit card payment
» SaleAnalyticAccount string false none none
» FreezeAnalyticAccount string false none none
» RenunciationPlace integer false none Values: 0 - auto, 1 - frontend, 2 - backend, 3 - frontend API.

Get agreement fees

Code samples

GET /agreementfees/?UpdatedFrom=2019-08-24&UpdatedTo=2019-08-24 HTTP/1.1

Accept: application/json

GET /agreementfees/

Get agreement fees. Important: UpdatedFrom or UpdatedTo or AgreementId are required. See main assumptions.


Name In Type Required Description
ClubId query integer false Id of the club
ChainId query integer false Id of the chain
AgreementId query integer false Id of the agreement. If set, dates are not required
UpdatedFrom query string(date) true Required if UpdateTo is not set
UpdatedTo query string(date) true Required if UpdatedFrom is not set
ResultsLimit query string(integer) false Maximum number of objects retrieved in one request
ResultsPage query string(integer) false Result's page according to ResultsLimit setting

Example responses

200 Response

    "ClubId": 0,
    "ChainId": 0,
    "CreationDate": "2019-08-24",
    "LastUpdateDate": "2019-08-24",
    "AgreementId": 0,
    "Id": 0,
    "Type": 0,
    "Status": 0,
    "DeadlineDate": "2019-08-24",
    "PaidDate": "2019-08-24",
    "PaymentFormId": 0,
    "TickedByUserId": 0,
    "Description": "string",
    "NetPrice": 0,
    "VAT": 0,
    "PaymentId": "string",
    "InvoiceId": 0,
    "NumberOfPayments": 0,
    "DateChargeOrder": "2019-08-24",
    "ChargeSurgeryId": 0,
    "ChargeUserId": 0,
    "CurrentFiscalDocumentDocumentType": 0,
    "CurrentFiscalDocumentDocumentNumber": "string",
    "IsFiscalized": 0,
    "SaleCategoryId": 0,
    "IsWalletPayment": 0,
    "IsDeleted": 0


Status Meaning Description Schema
200 OK successful operation Inline

Response Schema

Status Code 200

Array of agreement fees

Name Type Required Restrictions Description
Array of agreement fees [AgreementFee] false none none
» ClubId integer false none none
» ChainId integer false none none
» CreationDate string(date) false none none
» LastUpdateDate string(date) false none none
» AgreementId integer false none none
» Id integer false none none
» Type integer false none none
» Status integer false none none
» DeadlineDate string(date) false none none
» PaidDate string(date) false none none
» PaymentFormId integer false none none
» TickedByUserId integer false none none
» Description string false none none
» NetPrice number false none none
» VAT number false none none
» PaymentId string false none none
» InvoiceId integer false none none
» NumberOfPayments integer false none none
» DateChargeOrder string(date) false none none
» ChargeSurgeryId integer false none none
» ChargeUserId integer false none none
» CurrentFiscalDocumentDocumentType integer false none none
» CurrentFiscalDocumentDocumentNumber string false none none
» IsFiscalized integer false none none
» SaleCategoryId integer false none none
» IsWalletPayment integer false none none
» IsDeleted integer false none none

Get installments

Code samples

GET /installments/?UpdatedFrom=2019-08-24&UpdatedTo=2019-08-24 HTTP/1.1

Accept: application/json

GET /installments/

Get installments. Important: UpdatedFrom or UpdatedTo or AgreementId are required. See main assumptions.


Name In Type Required Description
ClubId query integer false Id of the club
ChainId query integer false Id of the chain
AgreementId query integer false Id of the Agreement. If set, dates are not required
UpdatedFrom query string(date) true Required if UpdateTo is not set
UpdatedTo query string(date) true Required if UpdatedFrom is not set
ResultsLimit query string(integer) false Maximum number of objects retrieved in one request
ResultsPage query string(integer) false Result's page according to ResultsLimit setting

Example responses

200 Response

    "ClubId": 0,
    "ChainId": 0,
    "AgreementId": 0,
    "CreationDate": "2019-08-24",
    "LastUpdateDate": "2019-08-24",
    "Id": 0,
    "DateFrom": "2019-08-24",
    "DateTo": "2019-08-24",
    "DeadlineDate": "2019-08-24",
    "Price": 0,
    "NetPrice": 0,
    "PaymentForm": "string",
    "PaidDate": "2019-08-24",
    "IsPaid": 0,
    "IsFrozen": 0,
    "Deleted": 0


Status Meaning Description Schema
200 OK successful operation Inline

Response Schema

Status Code 200

Array of installments

Name Type Required Restrictions Description
Array of installments [Installment] false none none
» ClubId integer false none none
» ChainId integer false none none
» AgreementId integer false none none
» CreationDate string(date) false none none
» LastUpdateDate string(date) false none none
» Id integer false none none
» DateFrom string(date) false none none
» DateTo string(date) false none none
» DeadlineDate string(date) false none Payment deadline
» Price number false none none
» NetPrice number false none none
» PaymentForm string false none none
» PaidDate string(date) false none none
» IsPaid integer false none none
» IsFrozen integer false none none
» Deleted integer false none none

Get freezes

Code samples

GET /freezes/?UpdatedFrom=2019-08-24&UpdatedTo=2019-08-24 HTTP/1.1

Accept: application/json

GET /freezes/

Get freezes. Important: UpdatedFrom or UpdatedTo or AgreementId or Id are required. See main assumptions.


Name In Type Required Description
ClubId query integer false Id of the club
ChainId query integer false Id of the chain
AgreementId query integer false Id of the Agreement. If set, dates are not required
Id query integer false If set, dates are not required
UpdatedFrom query string(date) true Required if UpdateTo is not set
UpdatedTo query string(date) true Required if UpdatedFrom is not set
ResultsLimit query string(integer) false Maximum number of objects retrieved in one request
ResultsPage query string(integer) false Result's page according to ResultsLimit setting

Example responses

200 Response

    "ClubId": 0,
    "ChainId": 0,
    "AgreementId": 0,
    "CreationDate": "2019-08-24",
    "LastUpdateDate": "2019-08-24",
    "Id": 0,
    "DateFrom": "2019-08-24",
    "DateTo": "2019-08-24",
    "Duration": 0,
    "Reason": "string"


Status Meaning Description Schema
200 OK successful operation Inline

Response Schema

Status Code 200

Array of freezes

Name Type Required Restrictions Description
Array of freezes [Freeze] false none none
» ClubId integer false none none
» ChainId integer false none none
» AgreementId integer false none none
» CreationDate string(date) false none none
» LastUpdateDate string(date) false none none
» Id integer false none none
» DateFrom string(date) false none none
» DateTo string(date) false none none
» Duration number false none none
» Reason string false none none

Get suspensions

Code samples

GET /suspensions/?UpdatedFrom=2019-08-24&UpdatedTo=2019-08-24 HTTP/1.1

Accept: application/json

GET /suspensions/

Get suspensions. Important: UpdatedFrom, UpdatedTo, AgreementId or Id are required. See main assumptions


Name In Type Required Description
ClubId query integer false Id of the club
ChainId query integer false Id of the chain
AgreementId query integer false Id of the Agreement. If set, dates are not required
Id query integer false If set, dates are not required
UpdatedFrom query string(date) true Required if UpdateTo is not set
UpdatedTo query string(date) true Required if UpdatedFrom is not set
ResultsLimit query string(integer) false Maximum number of objects retrieved in one request
ResultsPage query string(integer) false Result's page according to ResultsLimit setting

Example responses

200 Response

    "ClubId": 0,
    "ChainId": 0,
    "AgreementId": 0,
    "CreationDate": "2019-08-24",
    "LastUpdateDate": "2019-08-24",
    "Id": 0,
    "DateFrom": "2019-08-24",
    "DateTo": "2019-08-24",
    "Duration": 0,
    "DurationType": 0,
    "UserId": 0


Status Meaning Description Schema
200 OK successfull operation Inline

Response Schema

Status Code 200

Array of suspensions

Name Type Required Restrictions Description
Array of suspensions [Suspension] false none none
» ClubId integer false none none
» ChainId integer false none none
» AgreementId integer false none none
» CreationDate string(date) false none none
» LastUpdateDate string(date) false none none
» Id integer false none none
» DateFrom string(date) false none none
» DateTo string(date) false none none
» Duration number false none none
» DurationType number false none Values are: 0 - days, 1 - weeks, 2 - months, 4 - four weeks, 5 - two weeks, 6 - three months
» UserId integer false none none


Get consents

Code samples

GET /consents/?UpdatedFrom=2019-08-24&UpdatedTo=2019-08-24 HTTP/1.1

Accept: application/json

GET /consents/

Get consent definitions.


Name In Type Required Description
ClubId query integer false Id of the club
ChainId query integer false Id of the chain
IsDeleted query integer false Determines whether the object was deleted
UpdatedFrom query string(date) true Required if UpdateTo is not set
UpdatedTo query string(date) true Required if UpdatedFrom is not set
ResultsLimit query string(integer) false Maximum number of objects retrieved in one request
ResultsPage query string(integer) false Result's page according to ResultsLimit setting

Example responses

200 Response

    "ClubId": 0,
    "ChainId": 0,
    "CreationDate": "2019-08-24",
    "LastUpdateDate": "2019-08-24",
    "Id": 0,
    "IsActive": 0,
    "IsDeleted": 0,
    "Name": "string",
    "Content": "string",
    "IsSystem": 0,
    "Type": 0,
    "DateDeactivated": "2019-08-24",
    "Required": 0,
    "Signature": 0,
    "Available": 0,
    "CreatedByUserId": 0,
    "Access": 0,
    "DefaultChecked": 0,
    "MembershipIds": "id1;id2"


Status Meaning Description Schema
200 OK successful operation Inline

Response Schema

Status Code 200

Array of consent definitions

Name Type Required Restrictions Description
Array of consent definitions [Consent] false none none
» ClubId integer false none none
» ChainId integer false none none
» CreationDate string(date) false none none
» LastUpdateDate string(date) false none none
» Id integer false none none
» IsActive integer false none none
» IsDeleted integer false none none
» Name string false none none
» Content string false none none
» IsSystem integer false none none
» Type integer false none none
» DateDeactivated string(date) false none none
» Required integer false none none
» Signature integer false none none
» Available integer false none none
» CreatedByUserId integer false none none
» Access integer false none none
» DefaultChecked integer false none none
» MembershipIds string false none List of ids separated by ;

Get member consents.

Code samples

GET /memberconsents/?UpdatedFrom=2019-08-24&UpdatedTo=2019-08-24 HTTP/1.1

Accept: application/json

GET /memberconsents/

Get member consents. Important: UpdatedFrom or UpdatedTo or MemberId or AgreementId are required. See main assumptions.


Name In Type Required Description
ClubId query integer false Id of the club
ChainId query integer false Id of the chain
MemberId query integer false Id of a member. If set, dates are not required
AgreementId query integer false Id of the Agreement. If set, dates are not required
ConsentId query integer false Id of the Consent
UpdatedFrom query string(date) true Required if UpdateTo is not set
UpdatedTo query string(date) true Required if UpdatedFrom is not set
ResultsLimit query string(integer) false Maximum number of objects retrieved in one request
ResultsPage query string(integer) false Result's page according to ResultsLimit setting

Example responses

200 Response

    "ClubId": 0,
    "ChainId": 0,
    "CreationDate": "2019-08-24",
    "LastUpdateDate": "2019-08-24",
    "MemberId": 0,
    "AgreementId": 0,
    "ConsentId": 0,
    "Id": 0,
    "Name": "string",
    "Content": "string",
    "Type": 0,
    "DateActivated": "2019-08-24",
    "DateDeactivated": "2019-08-24",
    "IsActive": 0,
    "IsSystem": 0,
    "IsLatest": 0,
    "CreatedByUserId": 0,
    "CreatedByFullName": "string",
    "FileUrl": "string",
    "IP": "string",
    "SignedPlace": 0


Status Meaning Description Schema
200 OK successful operation Inline

Response Schema

Status Code 200

Array of member consents

Name Type Required Restrictions Description
Array of member consents [MemberConsent] false none none
» ClubId integer false none none
» ChainId integer false none none
» CreationDate string(date) false none none
» LastUpdateDate string(date) false none none
» MemberId integer false none none
» AgreementId integer false none none
» ConsentId integer false none none
» Id integer false none none
» Name string false none none
» Content string false none none
» Type integer false none none
» DateActivated string(date) false none none
» DateDeactivated string(date) false none none
» IsActive integer false none none
» IsSystem integer false none none
» IsLatest integer false none none
» CreatedByUserId integer false none none
» CreatedByFullName string false none none
» FileUrl string false none none
» IP string false none none
» SignedPlace integer false none none


Get entries

Code samples

GET /entries/?DateFrom=2019-08-24&DateTo=2019-08-24 HTTP/1.1

Accept: application/json

GET /entries/

Get entries. Important: DateFrom or DateTo are required. See main assumptions.


Name In Type Required Description
ClubId query integer false Id of the club
ChainId query integer false Id of the chain
MemberId query integer false Id of a member
DateFrom query string(date) true Compares with Entry.EntryDate.
DateTo query string(date) true Compares with Entry.EntryDate. Limits to previous day entries.
ResultsLimit query string(integer) false Maximum number of objects retrieved in one request
ResultsPage query string(integer) false Result's page according to ResultsLimit setting

Example responses

200 Response

    "ClubId": 0,
    "ChainId": 0,
    "Id": 0,
    "EntryDate": "2019-09-09 12:32:45.532",
    "MemberId": 0,
    "AgreementId": 0,
    "UserId": 0,
    "AccessZoneType": 0


Status Meaning Description Schema
200 OK successful operation Inline

Response Schema

Status Code 200

Array of entries

Name Type Required Restrictions Description
Array of entries [Entry] false none none
» ClubId integer false none none
» ChainId integer false none none
» Id integer false none none
» EntryDate string(date) false none Date with time, request parameters DateFrom and DateTo check this value.
» MemberId integer false none none
» AgreementId integer false none none
» UserId integer false none none
» AccessZoneType integer false none Values are: 0 - unspecified, 1 - main, 2 - parking, 3 - staff, 4 - classRoom, 5 - service, 6 - lift, 7 - toilet

Get exits

Code samples

GET /exits/?DateFrom=2019-08-24 HTTP/1.1

Accept: application/json

GET /exits/

Get exits. Important: DateFrom or DateTo are required. See main assumptions.


Name In Type Required Description
ClubId query integer false Id of the club
ChainId query integer false Id of the chain
MemberId query integer false Id of a member
DateFrom query string(date) true Compares with Exit.ExitDate
DateTo query string(date) false Compares with Exit.ExitDate. Limits to previous day entries.
ResultsLimit query string(integer) false Maximum number of objects retrieved in one request
ResultsPage query string(integer) false Result's page according to ResultsLimit setting

Example responses

200 Response

    "ClubId": 0,
    "ChainId": 0,
    "Id": 0,
    "ExitDate": "2019-09-09 14:03:11.381",
    "MemberId": 0,
    "AgreementId": 0,
    "UserId": 0


Status Meaning Description Schema
200 OK successful operation Inline

Response Schema

Status Code 200

Array of exits

Name Type Required Restrictions Description
Array of exits [Exit] false none none
» ClubId integer false none none
» ChainId integer false none none
» Id integer false none none
» ExitDate string(date) false none Date with time, request parameters DateFrom and DateTo check this value.
» MemberId integer false none none
» AgreementId integer false none none
» UserId integer false none none


Get class types

Code samples

GET /classtypes/?UpdatedFrom=2019-08-24&UpdatedTo=2019-08-24 HTTP/1.1

Accept: application/json

GET /classtypes/

Get class types


Name In Type Required Description
ClubId query integer false Id of the club
ChainId query integer false Id of the chain
IsDeleted query integer false Determines whether the object was deleted
IsActive query integer false Determines whether the object is active
UpdatedFrom query string(date) true Required if UpdateTo is not set
UpdatedTo query string(date) true Required if UpdatedFrom is not set
ResultsLimit query string(integer) false Maximum number of objects retrieved in one request
ResultsPage query string(integer) false Result's page according to ResultsLimit setting

Example responses

200 Response

    "ClubId": 0,
    "ChainId": 0,
    "CreationDate": "2019-08-24",
    "LastUpdateDate": "2019-08-24",
    "Id": 0,
    "Name": "string",
    "IsDeleted": 0,
    "IsActive": 0,
    "Description": "string",
    "Price": 0,
    "ParentId": 0


Status Meaning Description Schema
200 OK successful operation Inline

Response Schema

Status Code 200

Array of class types

Name Type Required Restrictions Description
Array of class types [ClassType] false none none
» ClubId integer false none none
» ChainId integer false none none
» CreationDate string(date) false none none
» LastUpdateDate string(date) false none none
» Id integer false none none
» Name string false none none
» IsDeleted integer false none none
» IsActive integer false none none
» Description string false none none
» Price number false none none
» ParentId integer false none none

Get group classes

Code samples

GET /groupclasses/?UpdatedFrom=2019-08-24&UpdatedTo=2019-08-24 HTTP/1.1

Accept: application/json

GET /groupclasses/

Get group classes. Important: UpdatedFrom or UpdatedTo or ClassTypeId are required. See main assumptions.


Name In Type Required Description
ClubId query integer false Id of the club
ChainId query integer false Id of the chain
ClassTypeId query integer false Id of the ClassType. If set, dates are not required
IsDeleted query integer false Determines whether the object was deleted
StartsAfter query string(date) false Date after GroupClass starts
UpdatedFrom query string(date) true Required if UpdateTo is not set
UpdatedTo query string(date) true Required if UpdatedFrom is not set
ResultsLimit query string(integer) false Maximum number of objects retrieved in one request
ResultsPage query string(integer) false Result's page according to ResultsLimit setting

Example responses

200 Response

    "ClubId": 0,
    "ChainId": 0,
    "CreationDate": "2019-08-24",
    "LastUpdateDate": "2019-08-24",
    "Id": 0,
    "IsDeleted": 0,
    "Start": "2019-08-24",
    "End": "2019-08-24",
    "ClassTypeId": 0,
    "UserId": 0,
    "IsFrontendVisible": 0,
    "ScheduleRoomName": "string",
    "Duration": 0,
    "Limit": 0,
    "Interval": 0,
    "DayOfWeek": 0,
    "CancelHourBefore": 0


Status Meaning Description Schema
200 OK successful operation Inline

Response Schema

Status Code 200

Array of group classes

Name Type Required Restrictions Description
Array of group classes [GroupClass] false none none
» ClubId integer false none none
» ChainId integer false none none
» CreationDate string(date) false none none
» LastUpdateDate string(date) false none none
» Id integer false none none
» IsDeleted integer false none none
» Start string(date) false none none
» End string(date) false none none
» ClassTypeId integer false none none
» UserId integer false none none
» IsFrontendVisible integer false none none
» ScheduleRoomName string false none none
» Duration integer false none Duration in minutes
» Limit integer false none Vacancies
» Interval integer false none Interval in weeks
» DayOfWeek integer false none 0 - Sunday, 1 - Monday, etc.
» CancelHourBefore integer false none none

Get classes

Code samples

GET /classes/?UpdatedFrom=2019-08-24&UpdatedTo=2019-08-24 HTTP/1.1

Accept: application/json

GET /classes/

Get classes. Important: DateFrom or DateTo or GroupClassId are required. See main assumptions.


Name In Type Required Description
ClubId query integer false Id of the club
ChainId query integer false Id of the chain
GroupClassId query integer false Id of the group class. If set, dates are not required
IsDeleted query integer false Determines whether the object was deleted
StartsAfter query string(date) false Date after class starts
EndsBefore query string(date) false Date before class ends
UpdatedFrom query string(date) true Required if UpdateTo is not set
UpdatedTo query string(date) true Required if UpdatedFrom is not set
ResultsLimit query string(integer) false Maximum number of objects retrieved in one request
ResultsPage query string(integer) false Result's page according to ResultsLimit setting

Example responses

200 Response

    "ClubId": 0,
    "ChainId": 0,
    "CreationDate": "2019-08-24",
    "LastUpdateDate": "2019-08-24",
    "Id": 0,
    "IsDeleted": 0,
    "GroupClassId": 0,
    "Start": "2019-08-24",
    "End": "2019-08-24",
    "UserId": 0,
    "ScheduleRoomName": "string",
    "AppointmentLimit": 0


Status Meaning Description Schema
200 OK successful operation Inline

Response Schema

Status Code 200

Array of classes

Name Type Required Restrictions Description
Array of classes [Class] false none none
» ClubId integer false none none
» ChainId integer false none none
» CreationDate string(date) false none none
» LastUpdateDate string(date) false none none
» Id integer false none none
» IsDeleted integer false none none
» GroupClassId integer false none none
» Start string(date) false none none
» End string(date) false none none
» UserId integer false none none
» ScheduleRoomName string false none none
» AppointmentLimit integer false none Vacancies

Get class reservations

Code samples

GET /classreservations/?UpdatedFrom=2019-08-24&UpdatedTo=2019-08-24 HTTP/1.1

Accept: application/json

GET /classreservations/

Get class reservations. Important: DateFrom or DateTo or ClassId are required. See main assumptions.


Name In Type Required Description
ClubId query integer false Id of the club
ChainId query integer false Id of the chain
ClassId query integer false Id of the group class. If set, dates are not required
IsDeleted query integer false Determines whether the object was deleted
UpdatedFrom query string(date) true Required if UpdateTo is not set
UpdatedTo query string(date) true Required if UpdatedFrom is not set
ResultsLimit query string(integer) false Maximum number of objects retrieved in one request
ResultsPage query string(integer) false Result's page according to ResultsLimit setting

Example responses

200 Response

    "ClubId": 0,
    "ChainId": 0,
    "CreationDate": "2019-08-24",
    "LastUpdateDate": "2019-08-24",
    "ClassId": 0,
    "Id": 0,
    "MemberId": 0,
    "UserId": 0,
    "StartDate": "2019-08-24",
    "EndDate": "2019-08-24",
    "IsDeleted": 0,
    "Price": 0,
    "PricePayAsYouGo": 0,
    "PaidDate": "2019-08-24",
    "InvoiceId": 0,
    "PaymentId": 0,
    "RegistrationChannel": 0,
    "Status": 0,
    "LengthOfClass": 0,
    "IsReplacement": 0


Status Meaning Description Schema
200 OK successful operation Inline

Response Schema

Status Code 200

Array of classe reservations

Name Type Required Restrictions Description
Array of classe reservations [ClassReservation] false none none
» ClubId integer false none none
» ChainId integer false none none
» CreationDate string(date) false none none
» LastUpdateDate string(date) false none none
» ClassId integer false none none
» Id integer false none none
» MemberId integer false none none
» UserId integer false none none
» StartDate string(date) false none none
» EndDate string(date) false none none
» IsDeleted integer false none none
» Price number false none none
» PricePayAsYouGo number false none none
» PaidDate string(date) false none none
» InvoiceId integer false none none
» PaymentId integer false none none
» RegistrationChannel integer false none none
» Status integer false none 1 - means presence in classes
» LengthOfClass integer false none length of class in minutes
» IsReplacement integer false none none

Personal trainings

Get personal training types

Code samples

GET /personaltrainingtypes/ HTTP/1.1

Accept: application/json

GET /personaltrainingtypes/

Get personal training types.


Name In Type Required Description
ClubId query integer false Id of the club
ChainId query integer false Id of the chain

Example responses

200 Response

    "ClubId": 0,
    "ChainId": 0,
    "Id": 0,
    "Name": "string",
    "Color": "string"


Status Meaning Description Schema
200 OK successful operation Inline

Response Schema

Status Code 200

Array of personal training types

Name Type Required Restrictions Description
Array of personal training types [PTType] false none none
» ClubId integer false none none
» ChainId integer false none none
» Id integer false none none
» Name string false none none
» Color string false none none

Get personal trainings

Code samples

GET /personaltrainings/?UpdatedFrom=2019-08-24&UpdatedTo=2019-08-24 HTTP/1.1

Accept: application/json

GET /personaltrainings/

Get personal trainings. Important: UpdatedFrom or UpdatedTo are required. See main assumptions.


Name In Type Required Description
ClubId query integer false Id of the club
ChainId query integer false Id of the chain
UpdatedFrom query string(date) true Required if UpdateTo is not set
UpdatedTo query string(date) true Required if UpdatedFrom is not set
ResultsLimit query string(integer) false Maximum number of objects retrieved in one request
ResultsPage query string(integer) false Result's page according to ResultsLimit setting

Example responses

200 Response

    "ClubId": 0,
    "ChainId": 0,
    "CreationDate": "2019-08-24",
    "LastUpdateDate": "2019-08-24",
    "Id": 0,
    "DateFrom": "2019-08-24",
    "DateTo": "2019-08-24",
    "Description": "string",
    "Status": 0,
    "CoachUserId": 0,
    "IsIntroductoryTraining": 0,
    "PersonalTrainingTypeId": 0


Status Meaning Description Schema
200 OK successful operation Inline

Response Schema

Status Code 200

Array of personal trainings

Name Type Required Restrictions Description
Array of personal trainings [PT] false none none
» ClubId integer false none none
» ChainId integer false none none
» CreationDate string(date) false none none
» LastUpdateDate string(date) false none none
» Id integer false none none
» DateFrom string(date) false none none
» DateTo string(date) false none none
» Description string false none none
» Status integer false none none
» CoachUserId integer false none none
» IsIntroductoryTraining integer false none none
» PersonalTrainingTypeId integer false none none

Get member attendance

Code samples

GET /memberpersonaltrainings/?UpdatedFrom=2019-08-24&UpdatedTo=2019-08-24 HTTP/1.1

Accept: application/json

GET /memberpersonaltrainings/

Get details of member attendance in personal trainings. Important: UpdatedFrom or UpdatedTo are required. See main assumptions.


Name In Type Required Description
ClubId query integer false Id of the club
ChainId query integer false Id of the chain
UpdatedFrom query string(date) true Required if UpdateTo is not set
UpdatedTo query string(date) true Required if UpdatedFrom is not set
ResultsLimit query string(integer) false Maximum number of objects retrieved in one request
ResultsPage query string(integer) false Result's page according to ResultsLimit setting

Example responses

200 Response

    "ClubId": 0,
    "ChainId": 0,
    "CreationDate": "2019-08-24",
    "LastUpdateDate": "2019-08-24",
    "Id": 0,
    "MemberId": 0,
    "Present": 0,
    "PersonalTrainingId": 0,
    "BarItemId": 0,
    "Amount": 0,
    "LeftToUse": 0,
    "DateFrom": "2019-08-24",
    "DateTo": "2019-08-24",
    "Price": 0,
    "SellerUserId": 0


Status Meaning Description Schema
200 OK successful operation Inline

Response Schema

Status Code 200

Array of members in personal trainings

Name Type Required Restrictions Description
Array of members in personal trainings [MemberPT] false none none
» ClubId integer false none none
» ChainId integer false none none
» CreationDate string(date) false none none
» LastUpdateDate string(date) false none none
» Id integer false none none
» MemberId integer false none none
» Present integer false none none
» PersonalTrainingId integer false none none
» BarItemId integer false none none
» Amount integer false none none
» LeftToUse integer false none none
» DateFrom string(date) false none none
» DateTo string(date) false none none
» Price number false none none
» SellerUserId integer false none none


Get products

Code samples

GET /products/?UpdatedFrom=2019-08-24&UpdatedTo=2019-08-24 HTTP/1.1

Accept: application/json

GET /products/

Get products. Important: UpdatedFrom or UpdatedTo are required. See main assumptions.
Netto price can only be calculated from GrossPrice and VAT.


Name In Type Required Description
ClubId query integer false Id of the club
ChainId query integer false Id of the chain
IsDeleted query integer false Determines whether the object was deleted
UpdatedFrom query string(date) true Required if UpdateTo is not set
UpdatedTo query string(date) true Required if UpdatedFrom is not set
ResultsLimit query string(integer) false Maximum number of objects retrieved in one request
ResultsPage query string(integer) false Result's page according to ResultsLimit setting

Example responses

200 Response

    "ClubId": 0,
    "ChainId": 0,
    "CreationDate": "2019-08-24",
    "LastUpdateDate": "2019-08-24",
    "Id": 0,
    "IsDeleted": 0,
    "Name": "string",
    "ShortName": "string",
    "GrossPrice": 0,
    "VAT": 0,
    "SaleCategoryId": 0,
    "IsTrainig": 0,
    "IsService": 0,
    "IsVisibleInSalePart": 0,
    "MaxDiscount": 0,
    "Unit": "string",
    "SaleAnalyticAccount": "string",
    "PurchaseAnalyticAccount": "string"


Status Meaning Description Schema
200 OK successful operation Inline

Response Schema

Status Code 200

Array of products

Name Type Required Restrictions Description
Array of products [Product] false none none
» ClubId integer false none none
» ChainId integer false none none
» CreationDate string(date) false none none
» LastUpdateDate string(date) false none none
» Id integer false none none
» IsDeleted integer false none none
» Name string false none none
» ShortName string false none none
» GrossPrice number false none none
» VAT number false none none
» SaleCategoryId integer false none none
» IsTrainig integer false none none
» IsService integer false none none
» IsVisibleInSalePart integer false none none
» MaxDiscount number false none Maximum percent discount
» Unit string false none none
» SaleAnalyticAccount string false none none
» PurchaseAnalyticAccount string false none none

Get subproduct relations

Code samples

GET /subproductrelations/ HTTP/1.1

Accept: application/json

GET /subproductrelations/

Get subproduct relations.
List of connections between products and their components.


Name In Type Required Description
ClubId query integer false Id of the club
ChainId query integer false Id of the chain
IsDeleted query integer false Determines whether the object was deleted
ResultsLimit query string(integer) false Maximum number of objects retrieved in one request
ResultsPage query string(integer) false Result's page according to ResultsLimit setting

Example responses

200 Response

    "ClubId": 0,
    "ChainId": 0,
    "Id": 0,
    "ProductId": 0,
    "ParticipatingProductId": 0,
    "Amount": 0


Status Meaning Description Schema
200 OK successful operation Inline

Response Schema

Status Code 200

Array of products

Name Type Required Restrictions Description
Array of products [SubProductRelation] false none none
» ClubId integer false none none
» ChainId integer false none none
» Id integer false none none
» ProductId integer false none none
» ParticipatingProductId number false none none
» Amount number false none none

Get bar sales

Code samples

GET /barsales/?UpdatedFrom=2019-08-24&UpdatedTo=2019-08-24 HTTP/1.1

Accept: application/json

GET /barsales/

Get bar sales. Important: UpdatedFrom or UpdatedTo are required. See main assumptions.


Name In Type Required Description
ClubId query integer false Id of the club
ChainId query integer false Id of the chain
IsDeleted query integer false Determines whether the object was deleted
UpdatedFrom query string(date) true Required if UpdateTo is not set
UpdatedTo query string(date) true Required if UpdatedFrom is not set
ResultsLimit query string(integer) false Maximum number of objects retrieved in one request
ResultsPage query string(integer) false Result's page according to ResultsLimit setting

Example responses

200 Response

    "ClubId": 0,
    "ChainId": 0,
    "CreationDate": "2019-08-24",
    "LastUpdateDate": "2019-08-24",
    "Id": 0,
    "UserId": 0,
    "Date": "2019-08-24",
    "TotalValue": 0,
    "PaymentFormId": 0,
    "InvoiceId": 0,
    "IsCancelled": 0


Status Meaning Description Schema
200 OK successful operation Inline

Response Schema

Status Code 200

Array of bar sales

Name Type Required Restrictions Description
Array of bar sales [BarSale] false none none
» ClubId integer false none none
» ChainId integer false none none
» CreationDate string(date) false none none
» LastUpdateDate string(date) false none none
» Id integer false none none
» UserId integer false none none
» Date string(date) false none none
» TotalValue number false none none
» PaymentFormId integer false none none
» InvoiceId integer false none none
» IsCancelled integer false none none

Get bar sale positions

Code samples

GET /barsalepositions/?UpdatedFrom=2019-08-24&UpdatedTo=2019-08-24 HTTP/1.1

Accept: application/json

GET /barsalepositions/

Get bar sale positions. Important: UpdatedFrom or UpdatedTo or BarSaleId are required. See main assumptions.


Name In Type Required Description
ClubId query integer false Id of the club
ChainId query integer false Id of the chain
BarSaleId query integer false Id of BarSale. If set, dates are not required
UpdatedFrom query string(date) true Required if UpdateTo is not set
UpdatedTo query string(date) true Required if UpdatedFrom is not set
ResultsLimit query string(integer) false Maximum number of objects retrieved in one request
ResultsPage query string(integer) false Result's page according to ResultsLimit setting

Example responses

200 Response

    "ClubId": 0,
    "ChainId": 0,
    "CreationDate": "2019-08-24",
    "LastUpdateDate": "2019-08-24",
    "Id": 0,
    "BarSaleId": 0,
    "ProductId": 0,
    "GrossValue": 0,
    "SaleNetPrice": 0,
    "VAT": 0,
    "Qty": 0,
    "Profit": 0,
    "FiscalDocumentTypeId": 0,
    "FiscalDocumentNumber": "string"


Status Meaning Description Schema
200 OK successful operation Inline

Response Schema

Status Code 200

Array of bar sale positions

Name Type Required Restrictions Description
Array of bar sale positions [BarSalePosition] false none none
» ClubId integer false none none
» ChainId integer false none none
» CreationDate string(date) false none none
» LastUpdateDate string(date) false none none
» Id integer false none none
» BarSaleId integer false none none
» ProductId integer false none none
» GrossValue number false none none
» SaleNetPrice number false none none
» VAT number false none none
» Qty number false none none
» Profit number false none none
» FiscalDocumentTypeId integer false none none
» FiscalDocumentNumber string false none none

Get bar sale categories

Code samples

GET /salecategories/ HTTP/1.1

Accept: application/json

GET /salecategories/

Get bar sale categories.


Name In Type Required Description
ClubId query integer false Id of the club
ChainId query integer false Id of the chain
IsDeleted query integer false Determines whether the object was deleted

Example responses

200 Response

    "ClubId": 0,
    "ChainId": 0,
    "Id": 0,
    "Name": "string",
    "IsVisibleInSalePart": 0,
    "IsDeleted": 0


Status Meaning Description Schema
200 OK successful operation Inline

Response Schema

Status Code 200

Array of bar sale categories

Name Type Required Restrictions Description
Array of bar sale categories [SaleCategory] false none none
» ClubId integer false none none
» ChainId integer false none none
» Id integer false none none
» Name string false none none
» IsVisibleInSalePart integer false none none
» IsDeleted integer false none none

Get payment forms

Code samples

GET /paymentforms/ HTTP/1.1

Accept: application/json

GET /paymentforms/

Get payment forms.


Name In Type Required Description
ClubId query integer false Id of the club
ChainId query integer false Id of the chain
IsActive query integer false Determines whether the object is active
ResultsLimit query string(integer) false Maximum number of objects retrieved in one request
ResultsPage query string(integer) false Result's page according to ResultsLimit setting

Example responses

200 Response

    "ClubId": 0,
    "ChainId": 0,
    "Id": 0,
    "Name": "string",
    "SystemType": "string",
    "IsActive": 0


Status Meaning Description Schema
200 OK successful operation Inline

Response Schema

Status Code 200

Array of payment forms

Name Type Required Restrictions Description
Array of payment forms [PaymentForm] false none none
» ClubId integer false none none
» ChainId integer false none none
» Id integer false none none
» Name string false none none
» SystemType string false none e.g. cash, transfer, credit card or mixed
» IsActive integer false none none


Get invoices

Code samples

GET /invoices/?UpdatedFrom=2019-08-24&UpdatedTo=2019-08-24 HTTP/1.1

Accept: application/json

GET /invoices/

Get invoices. Important: UpdatedFrom or UpdatedTo are required. See main assumptions.


Name In Type Required Description
ClubId query integer false Id of the club
ChainId query integer false Id of the chain
Id query integer false Id of the invoice
UpdatedFrom query string(date) true Required if UpdateTo is not set
UpdatedTo query string(date) true Required if UpdatedFrom is not set
ResultsLimit query string(integer) false Maximum number of objects retrieved in one request
ResultsPage query string(integer) false Result's page according to ResultsLimit setting

Example responses

200 Response

    "ClubId": 0,
    "ChainId": 0,
    "CreationDate": "2019-08-24",
    "LastUpdateDate": "2019-08-24",
    "Id": 0,
    "CompanyAddress": "string",
    "City": "string",
    "Number": "string",
    "AssignDate": "2019-08-24",
    "SellDate": "2019-08-24",
    "PaymentType": "string",
    "PaymentFormId": 0,
    "PaymentDeadline": "2019-08-24",
    "SellerName": "string",
    "SellerId": 0,
    "UserId": 0,
    "CustomerName": "string",
    "MemberId": 0,
    "CompanyId": 0,
    "CustomerAddress": "string",
    "CustomerCorrespondenceAddress": "string",
    "TotalPrice": 0,
    "PaidValue": 0,
    "Description": "string",
    "Type": 0,
    "CorrectedInvoiceId": 0,
    "CorrectionBase": "string",
    "CorrectionPaymentForm": "string",
    "CorrectionPaymentFormId": 0,
    "HasReceipt": 0,
    "IsAccepted": 0


Status Meaning Description Schema
200 OK successful operation Inline

Response Schema

Status Code 200

Array of invoices

Name Type Required Restrictions Description
Array of invoices [Invoice] false none none
» ClubId integer false none none
» ChainId integer false none none
» CreationDate string(date) false none none
» LastUpdateDate string(date) false none none
» Id integer false none none
» CompanyAddress string false none none
» City string false none none
» Number string false none none
» AssignDate string(date) false none none
» SellDate string(date) false none none
» PaymentType string false none none
» PaymentFormId integer false none none
» PaymentDeadline string(date) false none none
» SellerName string false none none
» SellerId integer false none none
» UserId integer false none none
» CustomerName string false none none
» MemberId integer false none none
» CompanyId integer false none Value is set if the invoice is issued to the company
» CustomerAddress string false none none
» CustomerCorrespondenceAddress string false none none
» TotalPrice number false none none
» PaidValue number false none none
» Description string false none none
» Type integer false none none
» CorrectedInvoiceId integer false none none
» CorrectionBase string false none none
» CorrectionPaymentForm string false none none
» CorrectionPaymentFormId integer false none none
» HasReceipt integer false none none
» IsAccepted integer false none none

Get invoice positions

Code samples

GET /invoicepositions/?UpdatedFrom=2019-08-24&UpdatedTo=2019-08-24 HTTP/1.1

Accept: application/json

GET /invoicepositions/

Get invoice positions. Important: UpdatedFrom or UpdatedTo or InvoiceId are required. See main assumptions.


Name In Type Required Description
ClubId query integer false Id of the club
ChainId query integer false Id of the chain
InvoiceId query integer false Id of the invoice. If set dates are not required
UpdatedFrom query string(date) true Required if UpdateTo is not set
UpdatedTo query string(date) true Required if UpdatedFrom is not set
ResultsLimit query string(integer) false Maximum number of objects retrieved in one request
ResultsPage query string(integer) false Result's page according to ResultsLimit setting

Example responses

200 Response

    "ClubId": 0,
    "ChainId": 0,
    "CreationDate": "2019-08-24",
    "LastUpdateDate": "2019-08-24",
    "Id": 0,
    "InvoiceId": 0,
    "BarSaleId": 0,
    "BarItemId": 0,
    "InstallmentId": 0,
    "AgreementChargeId": 0,
    "CorrectedInvoicePositionId": 0,
    "Name": "string",
    "Amount": 0,
    "Unit": "string",
    "ItemPrice": 0,
    "NettoPrice": 0,
    "VAT": 0,
    "VATPrice": 0,
    "GrossPrice": 0,
    "Profit": 0,
    "FinalNetValue": 0,
    "FinalUnitNetValue": 0,
    "FinalGrossValue": 0,
    "FinalUnitGrossValue": 0,
    "FinalAmount": 0


Status Meaning Description Schema
200 OK successful operation Inline

Response Schema

Status Code 200

Array of invoice positions

Name Type Required Restrictions Description
Array of invoice positions [InvoicePosition] false none none
» ClubId integer false none none
» ChainId integer false none none
» CreationDate string(date) false none none
» LastUpdateDate string(date) false none none
» Id integer false none none
» InvoiceId integer false none none
» BarSaleId integer false none none
» BarItemId integer false none none
» InstallmentId integer false none none
» AgreementChargeId integer false none none
» CorrectedInvoicePositionId integer false none Set if correction invoice is submited
» Name string false none none
» Amount number false none none
» Unit string false none none
» ItemPrice number false none none
» NettoPrice number false none none
» VAT number false none none
» VATPrice number false none none
» GrossPrice number false none none
» Profit number false none none
» FinalNetValue number false none Set if correction invoice is submited
» FinalUnitNetValue number false none Set if correction invoice is submited
» FinalGrossValue number false none Set if correction invoice is submited
» FinalUnitGrossValue number false none Set if correction invoice is submited
» FinalAmount number false none Set if correction invoice is submited

Get receipts

Code samples

GET /receipts/?UpdatedFrom=2019-08-24&UpdatedTo=2019-08-24 HTTP/1.1

Accept: application/json

GET /receipts/

Get receipts. Important: UpdatedFrom or UpdatedTo are required. See main assumptions.


Name In Type Required Description
ClubId query integer false Id of the club
ChainId query integer false Id of the chain
Id query integer false none
UpdatedFrom query string(date) true Required if UpdateTo is not set
UpdatedTo query string(date) true Required if UpdatedFrom is not set
ResultsLimit query string(integer) false Maximum number of objects retrieved in one request
ResultsPage query string(integer) false Result's page according to ResultsLimit setting

Example responses

200 Response

    "ClubId": 0,
    "ChainId": 0,
    "CreationDate": "2019-08-24",
    "LastUpdateDate": "2019-08-24",
    "Id": "string",
    "Number": "string",
    "PaymentFormId": 0,
    "UserId": 0,
    "Type": 0,
    "IsHold": 0,
    "IsCancelled": 0,
    "SubmitDate": "2019-08-24",
    "TotalPrice": 0,
    "CashierName": "string",
    "InstallmentId": 0,
    "BarSaleId": 0,
    "CustomerId": 0,
    "InvoiceId": 0,
    "Contractor": "string"


Status Meaning Description Schema
200 OK successful operation Inline

Response Schema

Status Code 200

Array of receipts

Name Type Required Restrictions Description
Array of receipts [Receipt] false none none
» ClubId integer false none none
» ChainId integer false none none
» CreationDate string(date) false none none
» LastUpdateDate string(date) false none none
» Id string false none GUID
» Number string false none none
» PaymentFormId integer false none none
» UserId integer false none none
» Type integer false none none
» IsHold integer false none none
» IsCancelled integer false none none
» SubmitDate string(date) false none none
» TotalPrice number false none none
» CashierName string false none none
» InstallmentId integer false none none
» BarSaleId integer false none none
» CustomerId integer false none none
» InvoiceId integer false none none
» Contractor string false none none

Get receipt positions

Code samples

GET /receiptpositions/?ReceiptId=0&UpdatedFrom=2019-08-24&UpdatedTo=2019-08-24 HTTP/1.1

Accept: application/json

GET /receiptpositions/

Get receipt positions. Important: UpdatedFrom or UpdatedTo or ReceiptId are required. See main assumptions.


Name In Type Required Description
ClubId query integer false Id of the club
ChainId query integer false Id of the chain
ReceiptId query integer true Id of the Receipt
UpdatedFrom query string(date) true Required if UpdateTo is not set
UpdatedTo query string(date) true Required if UpdatedFrom is not set
ResultsLimit query string(integer) false Maximum number of objects retrieved in one request
ResultsPage query string(integer) false Result's page according to ResultsLimit setting

Example responses

200 Response

    "ClubId": 0,
    "ChainId": 0,
    "CreationDate": "2019-08-24",
    "LastUpdateDate": "2019-08-24",
    "Id": 0,
    "ReceiptId": "string",
    "Name": "string",
    "Amount": 0,
    "VatSymbol": "string",
    "VAT": 0,
    "UnitPrice": 0,
    "TotalPrice": 0,
    "BarItemId": 0,
    "InstallmentId": 0,
    "SaleCategoryName": "string",
    "SaleCategoryId": 0,
    "BarSaleItemId": 0


Status Meaning Description Schema
200 OK successful operation Inline

Response Schema

Status Code 200

Array of receipt positions

Name Type Required Restrictions Description
Array of receipt positions [ReceiptPosition] false none none
» ClubId integer false none none
» ChainId integer false none none
» CreationDate string(date) false none none
» LastUpdateDate string(date) false none none
» Id integer false none none
» ReceiptId string false none GUID
» Name string false none none
» Amount number false none none
» VatSymbol string false none none
» VAT number false none none
» UnitPrice number false none none
» TotalPrice number false none none
» BarItemId integer false none none
» InstallmentId integer false none none
» SaleCategoryName string false none none
» SaleCategoryId integer false none none
» BarSaleItemId integer false none none

Get transactions

Code samples

GET /transactions/?UpdatedFrom=2019-08-24&UpdatedTo=2019-08-24 HTTP/1.1

Accept: application/json

GET /transactions/

Get transactions. Important: UpdatedFrom or UpdatedTo are required. See main assumptions.


Name In Type Required Description
ClubId query integer false Id of the club
ChainId query integer false Id of the chain
UpdatedFrom query string(date) true Required if UpdateTo is not set
UpdatedTo query string(date) true Required if UpdatedFrom is not set
ResultsLimit query string(integer) false Maximum number of objects retrieved in one request
ResultsPage query string(integer) false Result's page according to ResultsLimit setting

Example responses

200 Response

    "ClubId": 0,
    "ChainId": 0,
    "CreationDate": "2019-08-24",
    "LastUpdateDate": "2019-08-24",
    "Id": 0,
    "Value": 0,
    "UserId": 0,
    "MemberId": 0,
    "Type": 0,
    "InstallmentId": 0,
    "AgreementChargeId": 0,
    "BarSaleId": 0,
    "WalletId": 0,
    "PaymentFormId": 0,
    "CashReportId": 0,
    "PaymentDocumentId": 0,
    "InvoiceIncomeId": 0,
    "Contractor": "2019-08-24",
    "Description": "string",
    "Number": 0,
    "Month": 0,
    "Year": 0,
    "Evidence": "string",
    "Saldo": 0,
    "CustomerAddress": "string",
    "FullNumber": "string",
    "FiscalDocumentNumber": "string",
    "UniqueNumber": "string"


Status Meaning Description Schema
200 OK successful operation Inline

Response Schema

Status Code 200

Array of transactions

Name Type Required Restrictions Description
Array of transactions [Transaction] false none none
» ClubId integer false none none
» ChainId integer false none none
» CreationDate string(date) false none none
» LastUpdateDate string(date) false none none
» Id integer false none none
» Value number false none none
» UserId integer false none none
» MemberId integer false none none
» Type integer false none Types are: Installment = 0, Wallet = 1, Bar = 2, CashDeskOut = 3, CashDeskIn = 4, Others = 5, Prepaid = 6, InstallmentUnpaid = 7, BarUnpaid = 8
» InstallmentId integer false none none
» AgreementChargeId integer false none none
» BarSaleId integer false none none
» WalletId integer false none none
» PaymentFormId integer false none none
» CashReportId integer false none none
» PaymentDocumentId integer false none none
» InvoiceIncomeId integer false none none
» Contractor string(date) false none none
» Description string false none none
» Number integer false none none
» Month integer false none none
» Year integer false none none
» Evidence string false none none
» Saldo number false none none
» CustomerAddress string false none none
» FullNumber string false none none
» FiscalDocumentNumber string false none none
» UniqueNumber string false none none

Get payment orders

Code samples

GET /paymentorders/?UpdatedFrom=2019-08-24&UpdatedTo=2019-08-24 HTTP/1.1

Accept: application/json

GET /paymentorders/

Get payment orders. Important: UpdatedFrom or UpdatedTo or MemberId are required. See main assumptions.


Name In Type Required Description
ClubId query integer false Id of the club
ChainId query integer false Id of the chain
UpdatedFrom query string(date) true Required if UpdateTo is not set
UpdatedTo query string(date) true Required if UpdatedFrom is not set
MemberId query integer false Id of a member
Id query integer false none
ResultsLimit query string(integer) false Maximum number of objects retrieved in one request
ResultsPage query string(integer) false Result's page according to ResultsLimit setting

Example responses

200 Response

    "ClubId": 0,
    "ChainId": 0,
    "CreationDate": "2019-08-24",
    "LastUpdateDate": "2019-08-24",
    "Id": 0,
    "MemberId": 0,
    "UserId": 0,
    "PaymentId": "string",
    "PaymentGatewayId": "string",
    "Value": 0,
    "Type": 0,
    "Response": "string",
    "Status": 0,
    "StatusCode": "string",
    "IsOnlinePayment": 0,
    "Description": "string",
    "CardOperator": 0,
    "PlaceOfPayment": 0,
    "InternalCardOperator": 0


Status Meaning Description Schema
200 OK successful operation Inline

Response Schema

Status Code 200

Array of payment orders

Name Type Required Restrictions Description
Array of payment orders [PaymentOrder] false none none
» ClubId integer false none none
» ChainId integer false none none
» CreationDate string(date) false none none
» LastUpdateDate string(date) false none none
» Id integer false none none
» MemberId integer false none none
» UserId integer false none none
» PaymentId string false none none
» PaymentGatewayId string false none none
» Value number false none none
» Type integer false none none
» Response string false none none
» Status integer false none none
» StatusCode string false none none
» IsOnlinePayment integer false none none
» Description string false none none
» CardOperator integer false none none
» PlaceOfPayment integer false none none
» InternalCardOperator integer false none none

Get payment order items

Code samples

GET /paymentorderitems/?UpdatedFrom=2019-08-24&UpdatedTo=2019-08-24 HTTP/1.1

Accept: application/json

GET /paymentorderitems/

Get payment order items. Important: UpdatedFrom or UpdatedTo or PaymentOrderId are required. See main assumptions.


Name In Type Required Description
ClubId query integer false Id of the club
ChainId query integer false Id of the chain
UpdatedFrom query string(date) true Required if UpdateTo is not set
UpdatedTo query string(date) true Required if UpdatedFrom is not set
PaymentOrderId query integer false Id of the PaymentOrder
ResultsLimit query string(integer) false Maximum number of objects retrieved in one request
ResultsPage query string(integer) false Result's page according to ResultsLimit setting

Example responses

200 Response

    "ClubId": 0,
    "ChainId": 0,
    "CreationDate": "2019-08-24",
    "LastUpdateDate": "2019-08-24",
    "Id": 0,
    "PaymentOrderId": 0,
    "InstallmentId": 0,
    "AgreementChargeId": 0,
    "BarSaleId": 0,
    "GiftId": 0,
    "ScheduleItemId": 0,
    "Value": 0


Status Meaning Description Schema
200 OK successful operation Inline

Response Schema

Status Code 200

Array of payment order items

Name Type Required Restrictions Description
Array of payment order items [PaymentOrderItem] false none none
» ClubId integer false none none
» ChainId integer false none none
» CreationDate string(date) false none none
» LastUpdateDate string(date) false none none
» Id integer false none none
» PaymentOrderId integer false none none
» InstallmentId integer false none none
» AgreementChargeId integer false none none
» BarSaleId integer false none none
» GiftId integer false none none
» ScheduleItemId integer false none none
» Value number false none none


Get warehouses

Code samples

GET /warehouses/ HTTP/1.1

Accept: application/json

GET /warehouses/

Get warehouses.


Name In Type Required Description
ClubId query integer false Id of the club
ChainId query integer false Id of the chain
IsDisabled query integer false Determines whether the object was disabled

Example responses

200 Response

    "ClubId": 0,
    "ChainId": 0,
    "Id": 0,
    "Name": "string",
    "IsDisabled": 0,
    "IsKeepingNegativeInventory": 0


Status Meaning Description Schema
200 OK successful operation Inline

Response Schema

Status Code 200

Array of warehouses

Name Type Required Restrictions Description
Array of warehouses [Warehouse] false none none
» ClubId integer false none none
» ChainId integer false none none
» Id integer false none none
» Name string false none none
» IsDisabled integer false none none
» IsKeepingNegativeInventory integer false none none

Get inventories

Code samples

GET /inventories/ HTTP/1.1

Accept: application/json

GET /inventories/

Get inventories (products in warehouse).


Name In Type Required Description
ClubId query integer false Id of the club
ChainId query integer false Id of the chain
IsDisabled query integer false Determines whether the object was disabled
ResultsLimit query string(integer) false Maximum number of objects retrieved in one request
ResultsPage query string(integer) false Result's page according to ResultsLimit setting

Example responses

200 Response

    "ClubId": 0,
    "ChainId": 0,
    "WarehouseId": 0,
    "Id": 0,
    "ProductId": 0,
    "Amount": 0


Status Meaning Description Schema
200 OK successful operation Inline

Response Schema

Status Code 200

Array of inventories

Name Type Required Restrictions Description
Array of inventories [Inventory] false none none
» ClubId integer false none none
» ChainId integer false none none
» WarehouseId integer false none none
» Id integer false none none
» ProductId integer false none none
» Amount number false none none

Get deliveries

Code samples

GET /deliveries/?UpdatedFrom=2019-08-24&UpdatedTo=2019-08-24 HTTP/1.1

Accept: application/json

GET /deliveries/

Get deliveries. Important: UpdatedFrom or UpdatedTo are required. See main assumptions.


Name In Type Required Description
ClubId query integer false Id of the club
ChainId query integer false Id of the chain
UpdatedFrom query string(date) true Required if UpdateTo is not set
UpdatedTo query string(date) true Required if UpdatedFrom is not set
ResultsLimit query string(integer) false Maximum number of objects retrieved in one request
ResultsPage query string(integer) false Result's page according to ResultsLimit setting

Example responses

200 Response

    "ClubId": 0,
    "ChainId": 0,
    "CreationDate": "2019-08-24",
    "LastUpdateDate": "2019-08-24",
    "Id": 0,
    "WarehouseId": 0,
    "UserId": 0,
    "Date": "2019-08-24",
    "Notes": "string",
    "TotalPrice": 0,
    "NetTotalPrice": 0,
    "SellerAddress": "string",
    "ReceiverAddress": "string",
    "AcceptedBy": "string",
    "AcceptedById": 0,
    "AcceptationDate": "2019-08-24"


Status Meaning Description Schema
200 OK successful operation Inline

Response Schema

Status Code 200

Array of deliveries

Name Type Required Restrictions Description
Array of deliveries [Delivery] false none none
» ClubId integer false none none
» ChainId integer false none none
» CreationDate string(date) false none none
» LastUpdateDate string(date) false none none
» Id integer false none none
» WarehouseId integer false none none
» UserId integer false none none
» Date string(date) false none Date of delivery
» Notes string false none none
» TotalPrice number false none none
» NetTotalPrice number false none none
» SellerAddress string false none none
» ReceiverAddress string false none none
» AcceptedBy string false none none
» AcceptedById integer false none none
» AcceptationDate string(date) false none none

Get delivery positions

Code samples

GET /deliverypositions/?UpdatedFrom=2019-08-24&UpdatedTo=2019-08-24 HTTP/1.1

Accept: application/json

GET /deliverypositions/

Get delivery positions. Important: UpdatedFrom or UpdatedTo or DeliveryId are required. See main assumptions.


Name In Type Required Description
ClubId query integer false Id of the club
ChainId query integer false Id of the chain
DeliveryId query string(date) false Id of the Delivery
UpdatedFrom query string(date) true Required if UpdateTo is not set
UpdatedTo query string(date) true Required if UpdatedFrom is not set
ResultsLimit query string(integer) false Maximum number of objects retrieved in one request
ResultsPage query string(integer) false Result's page according to ResultsLimit setting

Example responses

200 Response

    "ClubId": 0,
    "ChainId": 0,
    "CreationDate": "2019-08-24",
    "LastUpdateDate": "2019-08-24",
    "DeliveryId": 0,
    "Id": 0,
    "ProductId": 0,
    "Name": "string",
    "Unit": "string",
    "Amount": 0,
    "NettoPrice": 0,
    "NettoValue": 0,
    "VAT": 0,
    "VATValue": 0,
    "BruttoValue": 0


Status Meaning Description Schema
200 OK successful operation Inline

Response Schema

Status Code 200

Array of delivery positions

Name Type Required Restrictions Description
Array of delivery positions [DeliveryPosition] false none none
» ClubId integer false none none
» ChainId integer false none none
» CreationDate string(date) false none none
» LastUpdateDate string(date) false none none
» DeliveryId integer false none none
» Id integer false none none
» ProductId integer false none none
» Name string false none none
» Unit string false none none
» Amount number false none none
» NettoPrice number false none none
» NettoValue number false none none
» VAT number false none none
» VATValue number false none none
» BruttoValue number false none none

Get goods-note-in docs

Code samples

GET /goodsnoteindocs/?UpdatedFrom=2019-08-24&UpdatedTo=2019-08-24 HTTP/1.1

Accept: application/json

GET /goodsnoteindocs/

Get goods-note-in docs. Important: UpdatedFrom or UpdatedTo are required. See main assumptions.


Name In Type Required Description
ClubId query integer false Id of the club
ChainId query integer false Id of the chain
DeliveryId query integer false Id of the Delivery
UpdatedFrom query string(date) true Required if UpdateTo is not set
UpdatedTo query string(date) true Required if UpdatedFrom is not set
ResultsLimit query string(integer) false Maximum number of objects retrieved in one request
ResultsPage query string(integer) false Result's page according to ResultsLimit setting

Example responses

200 Response

    "ClubId": 0,
    "ChainId": 0,
    "CreationDate": "2019-08-24",
    "LastUpdateDate": "2019-08-24",
    "Id": 0,
    "DeliveryId": 0,
    "Date": "2019-08-24",
    "Type": 0,
    "GoodsNoteInDocNumber": "string",
    "BasedOnGoodsNoteOutDoc": 0,
    "TotalPrice": 0,
    "NetTotalPrice": 0,
    "SellerAddress": "string",
    "Number": 0,
    "Month": 0,
    "Year": 0,
    "InvoiceNumber": "string"


Status Meaning Description Schema
200 OK successful operation Inline

Response Schema

Status Code 200

Array of goods-note-in docs

Name Type Required Restrictions Description
Array of goods-note-in docs [GoodsNoteInDoc] false none none
» ClubId integer false none none
» ChainId integer false none none
» CreationDate string(date) false none none
» LastUpdateDate string(date) false none none
» Id integer false none none
» DeliveryId integer false none none
» Date string(date) false none Date of delivery
» Type integer false none 0: Received Note (PZ), 1: Internal Received Note (PW), 2: Warehouse Transfer Note Plus (MM+), 3: Stocktaking Plus (INP)
» GoodsNoteInDocNumber string false none none
» BasedOnGoodsNoteOutDoc integer false none none
» TotalPrice number false none none
» NetTotalPrice number false none none
» SellerAddress string false none none
» Number integer false none none
» Month integer false none none
» Year integer false none none
» InvoiceNumber string false none none

Get goods-note-in doc positions

Code samples

GET /goodsnoteindocpositions/?UpdatedFrom=2019-08-24&UpdatedTo=2019-08-24 HTTP/1.1

Accept: application/json

GET /goodsnoteindocpositions/

Get goods-note-in doc positions. Important: UpdatedFrom or UpdatedTo or GoodsNoteInDocId are required. See main assumptions.


Name In Type Required Description
ClubId query integer false Id of the club
ChainId query integer false Id of the chain
GoodsNoteInDocId query string(date) false Id of the GoodsNoteInDoc
UpdatedFrom query string(date) true Required if UpdateTo is not set
UpdatedTo query string(date) true Required if UpdatedFrom is not set
ResultsLimit query string(integer) false Maximum number of objects retrieved in one request
ResultsPage query string(integer) false Result's page according to ResultsLimit setting

Example responses

200 Response

    "ClubId": 0,
    "ChainId": 0,
    "GoodsNoteInDocId": 0,
    "Id": 0,
    "ProductId": 0,
    "Name": "string",
    "Unit": "string",
    "Amount": 0,
    "GoodsNoteOutDocId": 0


Status Meaning Description Schema
200 OK successful operation Inline

Response Schema

Status Code 200

Array of goods-note-in doc positions

Name Type Required Restrictions Description
Array of goods-note-in doc positions [GoodsNoteInDocPosition] false none none
» ClubId integer false none none
» ChainId integer false none none
» GoodsNoteInDocId integer false none none
» Id integer false none none
» ProductId integer false none none
» Name string false none none
» Unit string false none none
» Amount number false none none
» GoodsNoteOutDocId integer false none none

Get goods-note-out docs

Code samples

GET /goodsnoteoutdocs/?UpdatedFrom=2019-08-24&UpdatedTo=2019-08-24 HTTP/1.1

Accept: application/json

GET /goodsnoteoutdocs/

Get goods-note-out docs. Important: UpdatedFrom or UpdatedTo are required. See main assumptions.


Name In Type Required Description
ClubId query integer false Id of the club
ChainId query integer false Id of the chain
UpdatedFrom query string(date) true Required if UpdateTo is not set
UpdatedTo query string(date) true Required if UpdatedFrom is not set
ResultsLimit query string(integer) false Maximum number of objects retrieved in one request
ResultsPage query string(integer) false Result's page according to ResultsLimit setting

Example responses

200 Response

    "ClubId": 0,
    "ChainId": 0,
    "CreationDate": "2019-08-24",
    "LastUpdateDate": "2019-08-24",
    "Id": 0,
    "InvoiceId": 0,
    "UserId": 0,
    "UserName": "string",
    "CustomerName": "string",
    "WarehouseId": 0,
    "IsAccepted": 0,
    "AcceptationDate": "2019-08-24",
    "Type": 0,
    "Notes": "string",
    "CashDeskTransactionDate": "2019-08-24",
    "CashDeskTransactionDesc": "string",
    "CashDeskTransactionId": 0,
    "BarSaleId": 0,
    "DestinationClubId": 0,
    "DestinationWarehouseId": 0,
    "CompanyAddress": "string",
    "CustomerAddress": "string",
    "NetTotalPrice": 0,
    "IsCorrection": 0,
    "Number": 0,
    "Month": 0,
    "Year": 0,
    "FullNumber": "string"


Status Meaning Description Schema
200 OK successful operation Inline

Response Schema

Status Code 200

Array of goods-note-out docs

Name Type Required Restrictions Description
Array of goods-note-out docs [GoodsNoteOutDoc] false none none
» ClubId integer false none none
» ChainId integer false none none
» CreationDate string(date) false none none
» LastUpdateDate string(date) false none none
» Id integer false none none
» InvoiceId integer false none none
» UserId integer false none none
» UserName string false none none
» CustomerName string false none none
» WarehouseId integer false none none
» IsAccepted integer false none none
» AcceptationDate string(date) false none none
» Type integer false none 0: Goods Dispatch Note (WZ), 1: Goods Consumption Note (RW), 2: Goods Transfer Note Minus (MM-), 3: Stocktaking Minus (INM)
» Notes string false none none
» CashDeskTransactionDate string(date) false none none
» CashDeskTransactionDesc string false none none
» CashDeskTransactionId integer false none none
» BarSaleId integer false none none
» DestinationClubId integer false none none
» DestinationWarehouseId integer false none none
» CompanyAddress string false none none
» CustomerAddress string false none none
» NetTotalPrice number false none none
» IsCorrection integer false none none
» Number integer false none none
» Month integer false none none
» Year integer false none none
» FullNumber string false none none

Get goods-note-out doc positions

Code samples

GET /goodsnoteoutdocpositions/?UpdatedFrom=2019-08-24&UpdatedTo=2019-08-24 HTTP/1.1

Accept: application/json

GET /goodsnoteoutdocpositions/

Get goods-note-out doc positions. One request per one document is needed. GoodsNoteOutDocId parameter is required.


Name In Type Required Description
ClubId query integer false Id of the club
ChainId query integer false Id of the chain
GoodsNoteOutDocId query string(date) false Id of the GoodsNoteOutDocId
UpdatedFrom query string(date) true Required if UpdateTo is not set
UpdatedTo query string(date) true Required if UpdatedFrom is not set
ResultsLimit query string(integer) false Maximum number of objects retrieved in one request
ResultsPage query string(integer) false Result's page according to ResultsLimit setting

Example responses

200 Response

    "ClubId": 0,
    "ChainId": 0,
    "GoodsNoteOutDocId": 0,
    "Id": 0,
    "ProductId": 0,
    "Name": "string",
    "Unit": "string",
    "Amount": 0,
    "NetValue": 0,
    "GrossValue": 0


Status Meaning Description Schema
200 OK successful operation Inline

Response Schema

Status Code 200

Array of goods-note-out doc positions

Name Type Required Restrictions Description
Array of goods-note-out doc positions [GoodsNoteOutDocPosition] false none none
» ClubId integer false none none
» ChainId integer false none none
» GoodsNoteOutDocId integer false none none
» Id integer false none none
» ProductId integer false none none
» Name string false none none
» Unit string false none none
» Amount number false none none
» NetValue number false none none
» GrossValue number false none none


Get crm activities

Code samples

GET /crmactivities/?UpdatedFrom=2019-08-24&UpdatedTo=2019-08-24 HTTP/1.1

Accept: application/json

GET /crmactivities/

Get crm activities. Important: UpdatedFrom or UpdatedTo are required. See main assumptions.


Name In Type Required Description
ClubId query integer false Id of the club
ChainId query integer false Id of the chain
UpdatedFrom query string(date) true Required if UpdateTo is not set
UpdatedTo query string(date) true Required if UpdatedFrom is not set
ResultsLimit query string(integer) false Maximum number of objects retrieved in one request
ResultsPage query string(integer) false Result's page according to ResultsLimit setting

Example responses

200 Response

    "ClubId": 0,
    "ChainId": 0,
    "CreationDate": "2019-08-24",
    "LastUpdateDate": "2019-08-24",
    "Id": 0,
    "SalesmanUserId": 0,
    "MemberId": 0,
    "ActivityType": 0,
    "Description": "string",
    "PlannedRealizationDate": "2019-08-24",
    "RealizationDate": "2019-08-24"


Status Meaning Description Schema
200 OK successful operation Inline

Response Schema

Status Code 200

Array of crm activities

Name Type Required Restrictions Description
Array of crm activities [CrmActivity] false none none
» ClubId integer false none none
» ChainId integer false none none
» CreationDate string(date) false none none
» LastUpdateDate string(date) false none none
» Id integer false none none
» SalesmanUserId integer false none none
» MemberId integer false none none
» ActivityType integer false none Possible values: Phone, Meeting, Training, Task, Sms, Mail, OrderToPay, ApplicationCourt, AgreementEnd, Letter, Note, MemberNote
» Description string false none none
» PlannedRealizationDate string(date) false none none
» RealizationDate string(date) false none none



  "ClubId": 0,
  "ChainId": 0,
  "MemberId": 0,
  "MembershipId": 0,
  "CreationDate": "2019-08-24",
  "LastUpdateDate": "2019-08-24",
  "Id": 0,
  "SalesmanId": 0,
  "DateFrom": "2019-08-24",
  "DateTo": "2019-08-24",
  "Number": "string",
  "Price": 0,
  "InstallmentPrice": 0,
  "Installments": 0,
  "SigningDate": "2019-08-24",
  "IsCancelled": 0,
  "RenunciationDate": "2019-08-24",
  "TerminationDate": "2019-08-24",
  "TerminationReason": "string",
  "TerminationUserID": 0,
  "SuspensionFrom": "2019-08-24",
  "SuspensionTo": "2019-08-24",
  "NoTimeLimitSuspensionDate": "2019-08-24",
  "CurrentAgreementFreezeId": 0,
  "PercentageDiscount": 0,
  "PeriodTime": 0,
  "PeriodType": 0,
  "IsParallel": 0,
  "TerminationPeriod": 0,
  "MinInstalmentsCountBeforeNotice": 0,
  "IsCurrentInstallmentDuringTerminationType": 0,
  "IsCurrentInstallmentDuringTerminationCount": 0,
  "AllowChoiceOfTerminationDate": 0,
  "TerminationFee": 0,
  "TerminationVat": 0,
  "TerminationFiscalName": "string",
  "InstallmentsDueImmediately": "string",
  "MaxSuspensions": 0,
  "MaxSuspensionTime": 0,
  "MaxSuspensionType": 0,
  "EntryLimitPerDay": 0,
  "EntryLimitPerWeek": 0,
  "EntryLimitPerMonth": 0,
  "EntryLimitPerFourWeeks": 0,
  "EnableTerminationOfUnpaidAgreement": 0,
  "InstallmentScheduleType": 0,
  "VatRate": null,
  "FiscalName": "string",
  "AddDateToFiscalName": 0,
  "CommissionType": 0,
  "CommissionFirst": null,
  "CommissionNext": null,
  "AgeLimitFrom": 0,
  "AgeLimitTo": 0,
  "ValidFrom": "2019-08-24",
  "ValidTo": "2019-08-24",
  "RenewalMonths": 0,
  "EndType": 0,
  "RenewalBeforeEndTime": 0,
  "RenewalBeforeEndType": 0,
  "MembershipIdToExtendCurrent": 0,
  "DaysToWarnBeforeAgreementEnds": 0,
  "InstallmentPriceDuringFreeze": null,
  "VatDuringFreeze": null,
  "FreezeFiscalName": "string",
  "MaxFreezeCount": 0,
  "MaxFreezeDuration": 0,
  "DaysForFreezingNextinstallment": 0,
  "FreezingExtendsDuration": 0,
  "CanFreezeOngoingInstallment": 0,
  "IsFreezingReasonRequired": 0,
  "JoiningCharge": 0,
  "AllowToTerminateOnline": 0,
  "AllowToCancelOnline": 0,
  "SaleAnalyticAccount": "string",
  "FreezeAnalyticAccount": "string",
  "RenunciationPlace": 0


Name Type Required Restrictions Description
ClubId integer false none none
ChainId integer false none none
MemberId integer false none none
MembershipId integer false none none
CreationDate string(date) false none none
LastUpdateDate string(date) false none none
Id integer false none none
SalesmanId integer false none none
DateFrom string(date) false none none
DateTo string(date) false none none
Number string false none none
Price number false none none
InstallmentPrice number false none none
Installments integer false none none
SigningDate string(date) false none none
IsCancelled integer false none none
RenunciationDate string(date) false none none
TerminationDate string(date) false none none
TerminationReason string false none none
TerminationUserID integer false none none
SuspensionFrom string(date) false none none
SuspensionTo string(date) false none none
NoTimeLimitSuspensionDate string(date) false none none
CurrentAgreementFreezeId integer false none none
PercentageDiscount number false none none
PeriodTime integer false none none
PeriodType integer false none Values are: 0 - days, 1 - weeks, 2 - months, 4 - four weeks, 5 - two weeks, 6 - three months
IsParallel integer false none Is parallel or overlaping
TerminationPeriod integer false none none
MinInstalmentsCountBeforeNotice integer false none Allow membership termination after instalment no.
IsCurrentInstallmentDuringTerminationType integer false none Current installment during termination period. Values: 0 - No, 1 - Up to x days since installment's starting date, 2 - up to x days before installment's ending date
IsCurrentInstallmentDuringTerminationCount integer false none Value set in IsCurrentInstallmentDuringTerminationType is set to 1 or 2.
AllowChoiceOfTerminationDate integer false none none
TerminationFee number false none none
TerminationVat number false none none
TerminationFiscalName string false none Short name printed on receipt during termination.
InstallmentsDueImmediately string false none none
MaxSuspensions integer false none none
MaxSuspensionTime integer false none none
MaxSuspensionType integer false none Period type for MaxSuspensionTime. Values: 0 - days, 1 - weeks, 2 - months
EntryLimitPerDay integer false none none
EntryLimitPerWeek integer false none none
EntryLimitPerMonth integer false none none
EntryLimitPerFourWeeks integer false none none
EnableTerminationOfUnpaidAgreement integer false none none
InstallmentScheduleType integer false none 0 - standard, 1 - supplement, 2 - reversal supplement
VatRate float false none none
FiscalName string false none Name printed on receipt
AddDateToFiscalName integer false none Add installment duration to description
CommissionType integer false none Commission for staff who sold membership: 0 or empty value - no commission, 1 - agreement, 2 - installment
CommissionFirst float false none none
CommissionNext float false none none
AgeLimitFrom integer false none none
AgeLimitTo integer false none none
ValidFrom string(date) false none none
ValidTo string(date) false none none
RenewalMonths integer false none Promotional membership renewal
EndType integer false none What happens when agreement ends: 0 - do nothing, 1 - automatic renewal, 2 - change membership period to indefinite, 3 - continue with selected agreement)
RenewalBeforeEndTime integer false none How much time before agreement ends automatic renewal occurs
RenewalBeforeEndType integer false none 1 - days, 2 - weeks, 3 - months
MembershipIdToExtendCurrent integer false none Membership Id that will extend current membership
DaysToWarnBeforeAgreementEnds integer false none none
InstallmentPriceDuringFreeze float false none none
VatDuringFreeze float false none none
FreezeFiscalName string false none Name on the receipt during freeze
MaxFreezeCount integer false none none
MaxFreezeDuration integer false none none
DaysForFreezingNextinstallment integer false none none
FreezingExtendsDuration integer false none none
CanFreezeOngoingInstallment integer false none none
IsFreezingReasonRequired integer false none none
JoiningCharge number false none none
AllowToTerminateOnline integer false none Allow member to terminate membership
AllowToCancelOnline integer false none Allow membership cancellation after first failed credit/debit card payment
SaleAnalyticAccount string false none none
FreezeAnalyticAccount string false none none
RenunciationPlace integer false none Values: 0 - auto, 1 - frontend, 2 - backend, 3 - frontend API.


  "ClubId": 0,
  "ChainId": 0,
  "CreationDate": "2019-08-24",
  "LastUpdateDate": "2019-08-24",
  "AgreementId": 0,
  "Id": 0,
  "Type": 0,
  "Status": 0,
  "DeadlineDate": "2019-08-24",
  "PaidDate": "2019-08-24",
  "PaymentFormId": 0,
  "TickedByUserId": 0,
  "Description": "string",
  "NetPrice": 0,
  "VAT": 0,
  "PaymentId": "string",
  "InvoiceId": 0,
  "NumberOfPayments": 0,
  "DateChargeOrder": "2019-08-24",
  "ChargeSurgeryId": 0,
  "ChargeUserId": 0,
  "CurrentFiscalDocumentDocumentType": 0,
  "CurrentFiscalDocumentDocumentNumber": "string",
  "IsFiscalized": 0,
  "SaleCategoryId": 0,
  "IsWalletPayment": 0,
  "IsDeleted": 0


Name Type Required Restrictions Description
ClubId integer false none none
ChainId integer false none none
CreationDate string(date) false none none
LastUpdateDate string(date) false none none
AgreementId integer false none none
Id integer false none none
Type integer false none none
Status integer false none none
DeadlineDate string(date) false none none
PaidDate string(date) false none none
PaymentFormId integer false none none
TickedByUserId integer false none none
Description string false none none
NetPrice number false none none
VAT number false none none
PaymentId string false none none
InvoiceId integer false none none
NumberOfPayments integer false none none
DateChargeOrder string(date) false none none
ChargeSurgeryId integer false none none
ChargeUserId integer false none none
CurrentFiscalDocumentDocumentType integer false none none
CurrentFiscalDocumentDocumentNumber string false none none
IsFiscalized integer false none none
SaleCategoryId integer false none none
IsWalletPayment integer false none none
IsDeleted integer false none none


  "ClubId": 0,
  "ChainId": 0,
  "CreationDate": "2019-08-24",
  "LastUpdateDate": "2019-08-24",
  "Id": 0,
  "UserId": 0,
  "Date": "2019-08-24",
  "TotalValue": 0,
  "PaymentFormId": 0,
  "InvoiceId": 0,
  "IsCancelled": 0


Name Type Required Restrictions Description
ClubId integer false none none
ChainId integer false none none
CreationDate string(date) false none none
LastUpdateDate string(date) false none none
Id integer false none none
UserId integer false none none
Date string(date) false none none
TotalValue number false none none
PaymentFormId integer false none none
InvoiceId integer false none none
IsCancelled integer false none none


  "ClubId": 0,
  "ChainId": 0,
  "CreationDate": "2019-08-24",
  "LastUpdateDate": "2019-08-24",
  "Id": 0,
  "BarSaleId": 0,
  "ProductId": 0,
  "GrossValue": 0,
  "SaleNetPrice": 0,
  "VAT": 0,
  "Qty": 0,
  "Profit": 0,
  "FiscalDocumentTypeId": 0,
  "FiscalDocumentNumber": "string"


Name Type Required Restrictions Description
ClubId integer false none none
ChainId integer false none none
CreationDate string(date) false none none
LastUpdateDate string(date) false none none
Id integer false none none
BarSaleId integer false none none
ProductId integer false none none
GrossValue number false none none
SaleNetPrice number false none none
VAT number false none none
Qty number false none none
Profit number false none none
FiscalDocumentTypeId integer false none none
FiscalDocumentNumber string false none none


  "Id": 0,
  "Name": "string"


Name Type Required Restrictions Description
Id integer false none none
Name string false none none


  "ClubId": 0,
  "ChainId": 0,
  "CreationDate": "2019-08-24",
  "LastUpdateDate": "2019-08-24",
  "Id": 0,
  "IsDeleted": 0,
  "GroupClassId": 0,
  "Start": "2019-08-24",
  "End": "2019-08-24",
  "UserId": 0,
  "ScheduleRoomName": "string",
  "AppointmentLimit": 0


Name Type Required Restrictions Description
ClubId integer false none none
ChainId integer false none none
CreationDate string(date) false none none
LastUpdateDate string(date) false none none
Id integer false none none
IsDeleted integer false none none
GroupClassId integer false none none
Start string(date) false none none
End string(date) false none none
UserId integer false none none
ScheduleRoomName string false none none
AppointmentLimit integer false none Vacancies


  "ClubId": 0,
  "ChainId": 0,
  "CreationDate": "2019-08-24",
  "LastUpdateDate": "2019-08-24",
  "ClassId": 0,
  "Id": 0,
  "MemberId": 0,
  "UserId": 0,
  "StartDate": "2019-08-24",
  "EndDate": "2019-08-24",
  "IsDeleted": 0,
  "Price": 0,
  "PricePayAsYouGo": 0,
  "PaidDate": "2019-08-24",
  "InvoiceId": 0,
  "PaymentId": 0,
  "RegistrationChannel": 0,
  "Status": 0,
  "LengthOfClass": 0,
  "IsReplacement": 0


Name Type Required Restrictions Description
ClubId integer false none none
ChainId integer false none none
CreationDate string(date) false none none
LastUpdateDate string(date) false none none
ClassId integer false none none
Id integer false none none
MemberId integer false none none
UserId integer false none none
StartDate string(date) false none none
EndDate string(date) false none none
IsDeleted integer false none none
Price number false none none
PricePayAsYouGo number false none none
PaidDate string(date) false none none
InvoiceId integer false none none
PaymentId integer false none none
RegistrationChannel integer false none none
Status integer false none 1 - means presence in classes
LengthOfClass integer false none length of class in minutes
IsReplacement integer false none none


  "ClubId": 0,
  "ChainId": 0,
  "CreationDate": "2019-08-24",
  "LastUpdateDate": "2019-08-24",
  "Id": 0,
  "Name": "string",
  "IsDeleted": 0,
  "IsActive": 0,
  "Description": "string",
  "Price": 0,
  "ParentId": 0


Name Type Required Restrictions Description
ClubId integer false none none
ChainId integer false none none
CreationDate string(date) false none none
LastUpdateDate string(date) false none none
Id integer false none none
Name string false none none
IsDeleted integer false none none
IsActive integer false none none
Description string false none none
Price number false none none
ParentId integer false none none


  "ClubId": 0,
  "ChainId": 0,
  "CreationDate": "2019-08-24",
  "LastUpdateDate": "2019-08-24",
  "Name": "string",
  "ChainName": "string",
  "Country": "string",
  "Address": "string",
  "ZipCode": "string",
  "City": "string",
  "SquareMeters": 0


Name Type Required Restrictions Description
ClubId integer false none none
ChainId integer false none none
CreationDate string(date) false none none
LastUpdateDate string(date) false none none
Name string false none none
ChainName string false none none
Country string false none none
Address string false none none
ZipCode string false none none
City string false none none
SquareMeters integer false none none


  "ClubId": 0,
  "ChainId": 0,
  "CreationDate": "2019-08-24",
  "LastUpdateDate": "2019-08-24",
  "Id": 0,
  "Deleted": 0,
  "Name": "string",
  "Street": "string",
  "City": "string",
  "ZipCode": "string",
  "Email": "string",
  "Phone": "string",
  "TRN": "string",
  "SubledgerFullNumber": "string"


Name Type Required Restrictions Description
ClubId integer false none none
ChainId integer false none none
CreationDate string(date) false none none
LastUpdateDate string(date) false none none
Id integer false none none
Deleted integer false none none
Name string false none none
Street string false none none
City string false none none
ZipCode string false none none
Email string false none none
Phone string false none none
TRN string false none none
SubledgerFullNumber string false none none


  "ClubId": 0,
  "ChainId": 0,
  "CreationDate": "2019-08-24",
  "LastUpdateDate": "2019-08-24",
  "Id": 0,
  "IsActive": 0,
  "IsDeleted": 0,
  "Name": "string",
  "Content": "string",
  "IsSystem": 0,
  "Type": 0,
  "DateDeactivated": "2019-08-24",
  "Required": 0,
  "Signature": 0,
  "Available": 0,
  "CreatedByUserId": 0,
  "Access": 0,
  "DefaultChecked": 0,
  "MembershipIds": "id1;id2"


Name Type Required Restrictions Description
ClubId integer false none none
ChainId integer false none none
CreationDate string(date) false none none
LastUpdateDate string(date) false none none
Id integer false none none
IsActive integer false none none
IsDeleted integer false none none
Name string false none none
Content string false none none
IsSystem integer false none none
Type integer false none none
DateDeactivated string(date) false none none
Required integer false none none
Signature integer false none none
Available integer false none none
CreatedByUserId integer false none none
Access integer false none none
DefaultChecked integer false none none
MembershipIds string false none List of ids separated by ;


  "ClubId": 0,
  "ChainId": 0,
  "CreationDate": "2019-08-24",
  "LastUpdateDate": "2019-08-24",
  "Id": 0,
  "SalesmanUserId": 0,
  "MemberId": 0,
  "ActivityType": 0,
  "Description": "string",
  "PlannedRealizationDate": "2019-08-24",
  "RealizationDate": "2019-08-24"


Name Type Required Restrictions Description
ClubId integer false none none
ChainId integer false none none
CreationDate string(date) false none none
LastUpdateDate string(date) false none none
Id integer false none none
SalesmanUserId integer false none none
MemberId integer false none none
ActivityType integer false none Possible values: Phone, Meeting, Training, Task, Sms, Mail, OrderToPay, ApplicationCourt, AgreementEnd, Letter, Note, MemberNote
Description string false none none
PlannedRealizationDate string(date) false none none
RealizationDate string(date) false none none


  "ClubId": 0,
  "ChainId": 0,
  "CreationDate": "2019-08-24",
  "LastUpdateDate": "2019-08-24",
  "Id": 0,
  "WarehouseId": 0,
  "UserId": 0,
  "Date": "2019-08-24",
  "Notes": "string",
  "TotalPrice": 0,
  "NetTotalPrice": 0,
  "SellerAddress": "string",
  "ReceiverAddress": "string",
  "AcceptedBy": "string",
  "AcceptedById": 0,
  "AcceptationDate": "2019-08-24"


Name Type Required Restrictions Description
ClubId integer false none none
ChainId integer false none none
CreationDate string(date) false none none
LastUpdateDate string(date) false none none
Id integer false none none
WarehouseId integer false none none
UserId integer false none none
Date string(date) false none Date of delivery
Notes string false none none
TotalPrice number false none none
NetTotalPrice number false none none
SellerAddress string false none none
ReceiverAddress string false none none
AcceptedBy string false none none
AcceptedById integer false none none
AcceptationDate string(date) false none none


  "ClubId": 0,
  "ChainId": 0,
  "CreationDate": "2019-08-24",
  "LastUpdateDate": "2019-08-24",
  "DeliveryId": 0,
  "Id": 0,
  "ProductId": 0,
  "Name": "string",
  "Unit": "string",
  "Amount": 0,
  "NettoPrice": 0,
  "NettoValue": 0,
  "VAT": 0,
  "VATValue": 0,
  "BruttoValue": 0


Name Type Required Restrictions Description
ClubId integer false none none
ChainId integer false none none
CreationDate string(date) false none none
LastUpdateDate string(date) false none none
DeliveryId integer false none none
Id integer false none none
ProductId integer false none none
Name string false none none
Unit string false none none
Amount number false none none
NettoPrice number false none none
NettoValue number false none none
VAT number false none none
VATValue number false none none
BruttoValue number false none none


  "ClubId": 0,
  "ChainId": 0,
  "Id": 0,
  "EntryDate": "2019-09-09 12:32:45.532",
  "MemberId": 0,
  "AgreementId": 0,
  "UserId": 0,
  "AccessZoneType": 0


Name Type Required Restrictions Description
ClubId integer false none none
ChainId integer false none none
Id integer false none none
EntryDate string(date) false none Date with time, request parameters DateFrom and DateTo check this value.
MemberId integer false none none
AgreementId integer false none none
UserId integer false none none
AccessZoneType integer false none Values are: 0 - unspecified, 1 - main, 2 - parking, 3 - staff, 4 - classRoom, 5 - service, 6 - lift, 7 - toilet


  "ClubId": 0,
  "ChainId": 0,
  "Id": 0,
  "ExitDate": "2019-09-09 14:03:11.381",
  "MemberId": 0,
  "AgreementId": 0,
  "UserId": 0


Name Type Required Restrictions Description
ClubId integer false none none
ChainId integer false none none
Id integer false none none
ExitDate string(date) false none Date with time, request parameters DateFrom and DateTo check this value.
MemberId integer false none none
AgreementId integer false none none
UserId integer false none none


  "ClubId": 0,
  "ChainId": 0,
  "AgreementId": 0,
  "CreationDate": "2019-08-24",
  "LastUpdateDate": "2019-08-24",
  "Id": 0,
  "DateFrom": "2019-08-24",
  "DateTo": "2019-08-24",
  "Duration": 0,
  "Reason": "string"


Name Type Required Restrictions Description
ClubId integer false none none
ChainId integer false none none
AgreementId integer false none none
CreationDate string(date) false none none
LastUpdateDate string(date) false none none
Id integer false none none
DateFrom string(date) false none none
DateTo string(date) false none none
Duration number false none none
Reason string false none none


  "ClubId": 0,
  "ChainId": 0,
  "CreationDate": "2019-08-24",
  "LastUpdateDate": "2019-08-24",
  "Id": 0,
  "DeliveryId": 0,
  "Date": "2019-08-24",
  "Type": 0,
  "GoodsNoteInDocNumber": "string",
  "BasedOnGoodsNoteOutDoc": 0,
  "TotalPrice": 0,
  "NetTotalPrice": 0,
  "SellerAddress": "string",
  "Number": 0,
  "Month": 0,
  "Year": 0,
  "InvoiceNumber": "string"


Name Type Required Restrictions Description
ClubId integer false none none
ChainId integer false none none
CreationDate string(date) false none none
LastUpdateDate string(date) false none none
Id integer false none none
DeliveryId integer false none none
Date string(date) false none Date of delivery
Type integer false none 0: Received Note (PZ), 1: Internal Received Note (PW), 2: Warehouse Transfer Note Plus (MM+), 3: Stocktaking Plus (INP)
GoodsNoteInDocNumber string false none none
BasedOnGoodsNoteOutDoc integer false none none
TotalPrice number false none none
NetTotalPrice number false none none
SellerAddress string false none none
Number integer false none none
Month integer false none none
Year integer false none none
InvoiceNumber string false none none


  "ClubId": 0,
  "ChainId": 0,
  "GoodsNoteInDocId": 0,
  "Id": 0,
  "ProductId": 0,
  "Name": "string",
  "Unit": "string",
  "Amount": 0,
  "GoodsNoteOutDocId": 0


Name Type Required Restrictions Description
ClubId integer false none none
ChainId integer false none none
GoodsNoteInDocId integer false none none
Id integer false none none
ProductId integer false none none
Name string false none none
Unit string false none none
Amount number false none none
GoodsNoteOutDocId integer false none none


  "ClubId": 0,
  "ChainId": 0,
  "CreationDate": "2019-08-24",
  "LastUpdateDate": "2019-08-24",
  "Id": 0,
  "InvoiceId": 0,
  "UserId": 0,
  "UserName": "string",
  "CustomerName": "string",
  "WarehouseId": 0,
  "IsAccepted": 0,
  "AcceptationDate": "2019-08-24",
  "Type": 0,
  "Notes": "string",
  "CashDeskTransactionDate": "2019-08-24",
  "CashDeskTransactionDesc": "string",
  "CashDeskTransactionId": 0,
  "BarSaleId": 0,
  "DestinationClubId": 0,
  "DestinationWarehouseId": 0,
  "CompanyAddress": "string",
  "CustomerAddress": "string",
  "NetTotalPrice": 0,
  "IsCorrection": 0,
  "Number": 0,
  "Month": 0,
  "Year": 0,
  "FullNumber": "string"


Name Type Required Restrictions Description
ClubId integer false none none
ChainId integer false none none
CreationDate string(date) false none none
LastUpdateDate string(date) false none none
Id integer false none none
InvoiceId integer false none none
UserId integer false none none
UserName string false none none
CustomerName string false none none
WarehouseId integer false none none
IsAccepted integer false none none
AcceptationDate string(date) false none none
Type integer false none 0: Goods Dispatch Note (WZ), 1: Goods Consumption Note (RW), 2: Goods Transfer Note Minus (MM-), 3: Stocktaking Minus (INM)
Notes string false none none
CashDeskTransactionDate string(date) false none none
CashDeskTransactionDesc string false none none
CashDeskTransactionId integer false none none
BarSaleId integer false none none
DestinationClubId integer false none none
DestinationWarehouseId integer false none none
CompanyAddress string false none none
CustomerAddress string false none none
NetTotalPrice number false none none
IsCorrection integer false none none
Number integer false none none
Month integer false none none
Year integer false none none
FullNumber string false none none


  "ClubId": 0,
  "ChainId": 0,
  "GoodsNoteOutDocId": 0,
  "Id": 0,
  "ProductId": 0,
  "Name": "string",
  "Unit": "string",
  "Amount": 0,
  "NetValue": 0,
  "GrossValue": 0


Name Type Required Restrictions Description
ClubId integer false none none
ChainId integer false none none
GoodsNoteOutDocId integer false none none
Id integer false none none
ProductId integer false none none
Name string false none none
Unit string false none none
Amount number false none none
NetValue number false none none
GrossValue number false none none


  "ClubId": 0,
  "ChainId": 0,
  "CreationDate": "2019-08-24",
  "LastUpdateDate": "2019-08-24",
  "Id": 0,
  "IsDeleted": 0,
  "Start": "2019-08-24",
  "End": "2019-08-24",
  "ClassTypeId": 0,
  "UserId": 0,
  "IsFrontendVisible": 0,
  "ScheduleRoomName": "string",
  "Duration": 0,
  "Limit": 0,
  "Interval": 0,
  "DayOfWeek": 0,
  "CancelHourBefore": 0


Name Type Required Restrictions Description
ClubId integer false none none
ChainId integer false none none
CreationDate string(date) false none none
LastUpdateDate string(date) false none none
Id integer false none none
IsDeleted integer false none none
Start string(date) false none none
End string(date) false none none
ClassTypeId integer false none none
UserId integer false none none
IsFrontendVisible integer false none none
ScheduleRoomName string false none none
Duration integer false none Duration in minutes
Limit integer false none Vacancies
Interval integer false none Interval in weeks
DayOfWeek integer false none 0 - Sunday, 1 - Monday, etc.
CancelHourBefore integer false none none


  "ClubId": 0,
  "ChainId": 0,
  "AgreementId": 0,
  "CreationDate": "2019-08-24",
  "LastUpdateDate": "2019-08-24",
  "Id": 0,
  "DateFrom": "2019-08-24",
  "DateTo": "2019-08-24",
  "DeadlineDate": "2019-08-24",
  "Price": 0,
  "NetPrice": 0,
  "PaymentForm": "string",
  "PaidDate": "2019-08-24",
  "IsPaid": 0,
  "IsFrozen": 0,
  "Deleted": 0


Name Type Required Restrictions Description
ClubId integer false none none
ChainId integer false none none
AgreementId integer false none none
CreationDate string(date) false none none
LastUpdateDate string(date) false none none
Id integer false none none
DateFrom string(date) false none none
DateTo string(date) false none none
DeadlineDate string(date) false none Payment deadline
Price number false none none
NetPrice number false none none
PaymentForm string false none none
PaidDate string(date) false none none
IsPaid integer false none none
IsFrozen integer false none none
Deleted integer false none none


  "ClubId": 0,
  "ChainId": 0,
  "WarehouseId": 0,
  "Id": 0,
  "ProductId": 0,
  "Amount": 0


Name Type Required Restrictions Description
ClubId integer false none none
ChainId integer false none none
WarehouseId integer false none none
Id integer false none none
ProductId integer false none none
Amount number false none none


  "ClubId": 0,
  "ChainId": 0,
  "CreationDate": "2019-08-24",
  "LastUpdateDate": "2019-08-24",
  "Id": 0,
  "CompanyAddress": "string",
  "City": "string",
  "Number": "string",
  "AssignDate": "2019-08-24",
  "SellDate": "2019-08-24",
  "PaymentType": "string",
  "PaymentFormId": 0,
  "PaymentDeadline": "2019-08-24",
  "SellerName": "string",
  "SellerId": 0,
  "UserId": 0,
  "CustomerName": "string",
  "MemberId": 0,
  "CompanyId": 0,
  "CustomerAddress": "string",
  "CustomerCorrespondenceAddress": "string",
  "TotalPrice": 0,
  "PaidValue": 0,
  "Description": "string",
  "Type": 0,
  "CorrectedInvoiceId": 0,
  "CorrectionBase": "string",
  "CorrectionPaymentForm": "string",
  "CorrectionPaymentFormId": 0,
  "HasReceipt": 0,
  "IsAccepted": 0


Name Type Required Restrictions Description
ClubId integer false none none
ChainId integer false none none
CreationDate string(date) false none none
LastUpdateDate string(date) false none none
Id integer false none none
CompanyAddress string false none none
City string false none none
Number string false none none
AssignDate string(date) false none none
SellDate string(date) false none none
PaymentType string false none none
PaymentFormId integer false none none
PaymentDeadline string(date) false none none
SellerName string false none none
SellerId integer false none none
UserId integer false none none
CustomerName string false none none
MemberId integer false none none
CompanyId integer false none Value is set if the invoice is issued to the company
CustomerAddress string false none none
CustomerCorrespondenceAddress string false none none
TotalPrice number false none none
PaidValue number false none none
Description string false none none
Type integer false none none
CorrectedInvoiceId integer false none none
CorrectionBase string false none none
CorrectionPaymentForm string false none none
CorrectionPaymentFormId integer false none none
HasReceipt integer false none none
IsAccepted integer false none none


  "ClubId": 0,
  "ChainId": 0,
  "CreationDate": "2019-08-24",
  "LastUpdateDate": "2019-08-24",
  "Id": 0,
  "InvoiceId": 0,
  "BarSaleId": 0,
  "BarItemId": 0,
  "InstallmentId": 0,
  "AgreementChargeId": 0,
  "CorrectedInvoicePositionId": 0,
  "Name": "string",
  "Amount": 0,
  "Unit": "string",
  "ItemPrice": 0,
  "NettoPrice": 0,
  "VAT": 0,
  "VATPrice": 0,
  "GrossPrice": 0,
  "Profit": 0,
  "FinalNetValue": 0,
  "FinalUnitNetValue": 0,
  "FinalGrossValue": 0,
  "FinalUnitGrossValue": 0,
  "FinalAmount": 0


Name Type Required Restrictions Description
ClubId integer false none none
ChainId integer false none none
CreationDate string(date) false none none
LastUpdateDate string(date) false none none
Id integer false none none
InvoiceId integer false none none
BarSaleId integer false none none
BarItemId integer false none none
InstallmentId integer false none none
AgreementChargeId integer false none none
CorrectedInvoicePositionId integer false none Set if correction invoice is submited
Name string false none none
Amount number false none none
Unit string false none none
ItemPrice number false none none
NettoPrice number false none none
VAT number false none none
VATPrice number false none none
GrossPrice number false none none
Profit number false none none
FinalNetValue number false none Set if correction invoice is submited
FinalUnitNetValue number false none Set if correction invoice is submited
FinalGrossValue number false none Set if correction invoice is submited
FinalUnitGrossValue number false none Set if correction invoice is submited
FinalAmount number false none Set if correction invoice is submited


  "ClubId": 0,
  "ChainId": 0,
  "CreationDate": "2019-08-24",
  "LastUpdateDate": "2019-08-24",
  "Id": 0,
  "Deleted": 0,
  "SalesmanId": 0,
  "TrainerId": 0,
  "MemberSourceTypeId": 0,
  "FirstName": "string",
  "Surname": "string",
  "Sex": 0,
  "BirthDate": "2019-08-24",
  "RecommendingMemberId": 0,
  "Email": "string",
  "Phone": "string",
  "CellPhoneCountryCode": "string",
  "CellPhone": "string",
  "PersonalIdentityNumber": "string",
  "TaxNumber": "string",
  "MemberStatusId": 0,
  "MemberParentId": 0,
  "MemberPayerId": 0,
  "CompanyId": 0,
  "IsPotentialClient": 0,
  "City": "string",
  "ZipCode": "string",
  "Address": "string",
  "HouseNumber": "string",
  "CorrespondenceCity": "string",
  "CorrespondenceZipCode": "string",
  "CorrespondenceAddress": "string",
  "CorrespondenceHouseNumber": "string",
  "Tags": "tag1;tag2",
  "SourceTypeId": 0,
  "SourceTypeName": "string",
  "CurrentBankAccountOwnerName": "string",
  "CurrentBankAccountBankName": "string",
  "CurrentBankAccountNumber": "string",
  "CurrentBankAccountBIC": "string",
  "CountryCode": 0,
  "SubledgerFullNumber": "string",
  "IBAN": "string"


Name Type Required Restrictions Description
ClubId integer false none none
ChainId integer false none none
CreationDate string(date) false none none
LastUpdateDate string(date) false none none
Id integer false none none
Deleted integer false none none
SalesmanId integer false none none
TrainerId integer false none none
MemberSourceTypeId integer false none none
FirstName string false none none
Surname string false none none
Sex integer false none none
BirthDate string(date) false none none
RecommendingMemberId integer false none none
Email string false none none
Phone string false none none
CellPhoneCountryCode string false none none
CellPhone string false none none
PersonalIdentityNumber string false none none
TaxNumber string false none none
MemberStatusId integer false none none
MemberParentId integer false none none
MemberPayerId integer false none none
CompanyId integer false none none
IsPotentialClient integer false none none
City string false none none
ZipCode string false none none
Address string false none none
HouseNumber string false none none
CorrespondenceCity string false none none
CorrespondenceZipCode string false none none
CorrespondenceAddress string false none none
CorrespondenceHouseNumber string false none none
Tags string false none Tag list separated by ;
SourceTypeId integer false none none
SourceTypeName string false none none
CurrentBankAccountOwnerName string false none none
CurrentBankAccountBankName string false none none
CurrentBankAccountNumber string false none none
CurrentBankAccountBIC string false none none
CountryCode integer false none Code mapping: 0=>AF, 1=>AL, 2=>DZ, 3=>AD, 4=>AO, 5=>AI, 6=>AQ, 7=>AG, 8=>SA, 9=>AR, 10=>AM, 11=>AW, 12=>AU, 13=>AT, 14=>AZ, 15=>BS, 16=>BH, 17=>BD, 18=>BB, 19=>BE, 20=>BZ, 21=>BJ, 22=>BM, 23=>BT, 24=>BY, 25=>BO, 26=>BQ, 27=>BA, 28=>BW, 29=>BR, 30=>BN, 31=>IO, 32=>VG, 33=>BG, 34=>BF, 35=>BI, 36=>CL, 37=>CN, 38=>HR, 39=>CW, 40=>CY, 41=>TD, 42=>ME, 43=>CZ, 44=>UM, 45=>DK, 46=>CD, 47=>DM, 48=>DO, 49=>DJ, 50=>EG, 51=>EC, 52=>ER, 53=>EE, 54=>ET, 55=>FK, 56=>FJ, 57=>PH, 58=>FI, 59=>FR, 60=>TF, 61=>GA, 62=>GM, 63=>GS, 64=>GH, 65=>GI, 66=>GR, 67=>GD, 68=>GL, 69=>GE, 70=>GU, 71=>GG, 72=>GF, 73=>GY, 74=>GP, 75=>GT, 76=>GW, 77=>GQ, 78=>GN, 79=>HT, 80=>ES, 81=>NL, 82=>HN, 83=>HK, 84=>IN, 85=>ID, 86=>IQ, 87=>IR, 88=>IE, 89=>IS, 90=>IL, 91=>JM, 92=>JP, 93=>YE, 94=>JE, 95=>JO, 96=>KY, 97=>KH, 98=>CM, 99=>CA, 100=>QA, 101=>KZ, 102=>KE, 103=>KG, 104=>KI, 105=>CO, 106=>KM, 107=>CG, 108=>KR, 109=>KP, 110=>CR, 111=>CU, 112=>KW, 113=>LA, 114=>LS, 115=>LB, 116=>LR, 117=>LY, 118=>LI, 119=>LT, 120=>LU, 121=>LV, 122=>MK, 123=>MG, 124=>YT, 125=>MO, 126=>MW, 127=>MV, 128=>MY, 129=>ML, 130=>MT, 131=>MP, 132=>MA, 133=>MQ, 134=>MR, 135=>MU, 136=>MX, 137=>FM, 138=>MM, 139=>MD, 140=>MC, 141=>MN, 142=>MS, 143=>MZ, 144=>NA, 145=>NR, 146=>NP, 147=>DE, 148=>NE, 149=>NG, 150=>NI, 151=>NU, 152=>NF, 153=>NO, 154=>NC, 155=>NZ, 156=>OM, 157=>PK, 158=>PW, 159=>PS, 160=>PA, 161=>PG, 162=>PY, 163=>PE, 164=>PN, 165=>PF, 166=>PL, 167=>PR, 168=>PT, 169=>ZA, 170=>CF, 171=>CV, 172=>RE, 173=>RU, 174=>RO, 175=>RW, 176=>EH, 177=>KN, 178=>LC, 179=>VC, 180=>BL, 181=>MF, 182=>PM, 183=>SV, 184=>AS, 185=>WS, 186=>SM, 187=>SN, 188=>RS, 189=>SC, 190=>SL, 191=>SG, 192=>SX, 193=>SK, 194=>SI, 195=>SO, 196=>LK, 197=>US, 198=>SZ, 199=>SD, 200=>SS, 201=>SR, 202=>SJ, 203=>SY, 204=>CH, 205=>SE, 206=>TJ, 207=>TH, 208=>TW, 209=>TZ, 210=>TL, 211=>TG, 212=>TK, 213=>TO, 214=>TT, 215=>TN, 216=>TR, 217=>TM, 218=>TC, 219=>TV, 220=>UG, 221=>UA, 222=>UY, 223=>UZ, 224=>VU, 225=>WF, 226=>VA, 227=>VE, 228=>HU, 229=>GB, 230=>VN, 231=>IT, 232=>CI, 233=>BV, 234=>CX, 235=>IM, 236=>SH, 237=>AX, 238=>CK, 239=>VI, 240=>HM, 241=>CC, 242=>MH, 243=>FO, 244=>SB, 245=>ST, 246=>ZM, 247=>ZW, 248=>AE,
SubledgerFullNumber string false none none
IBAN string false none none


  "ClubId": 0,
  "ChainId": 0,
  "CreationDate": "2019-08-24",
  "LastUpdateDate": "2019-08-24",
  "MemberId": 0,
  "OwnerName": "string",
  "BankName": "string",
  "Number": "string",
  "BIC": "string"


Name Type Required Restrictions Description
ClubId integer false none none
ChainId integer false none none
CreationDate string(date) false none none
LastUpdateDate string(date) false none none
MemberId integer false none none
OwnerName string false none none
BankName string false none none
Number string false none none
BIC string false none none


  "ClubId": 0,
  "ChainId": 0,
  "CreationDate": "2019-08-24",
  "Id": 0,
  "MemberId": 0,
  "UserId": 0,
  "Value": 0,
  "Type": 0,
  "ObjectId": 0,
  "Description": "string"


Name Type Required Restrictions Description
ClubId integer false none none
ChainId integer false none none
CreationDate string(date) false none none
Id integer false none none
MemberId integer false none none
UserId integer false none none
Value number false none none
Type integer false none 0 - Bar, 2 - Other, 3 - Installment, 5 - Charge
ObjectId integer false none none
Description string false none none


  "ClubId": 0,
  "ChainId": 0,
  "CreationDate": "2019-08-24",
  "LastUpdateDate": "2019-08-24",
  "MemberId": 0,
  "AgreementId": 0,
  "ConsentId": 0,
  "Id": 0,
  "Name": "string",
  "Content": "string",
  "Type": 0,
  "DateActivated": "2019-08-24",
  "DateDeactivated": "2019-08-24",
  "IsActive": 0,
  "IsSystem": 0,
  "IsLatest": 0,
  "CreatedByUserId": 0,
  "CreatedByFullName": "string",
  "FileUrl": "string",
  "IP": "string",
  "SignedPlace": 0


Name Type Required Restrictions Description
ClubId integer false none none
ChainId integer false none none
CreationDate string(date) false none none
LastUpdateDate string(date) false none none
MemberId integer false none none
AgreementId integer false none none
ConsentId integer false none none
Id integer false none none
Name string false none none
Content string false none none
Type integer false none none
DateActivated string(date) false none none
DateDeactivated string(date) false none none
IsActive integer false none none
IsSystem integer false none none
IsLatest integer false none none
CreatedByUserId integer false none none
CreatedByFullName string false none none
FileUrl string false none none
IP string false none none
SignedPlace integer false none none


  "ClubId": 0,
  "ChainId": 0,
  "MemberId": 0,
  "CreationDate": "2019-08-24",
  "LastUpdateDate": "2019-08-24",
  "CreditCardNumber": "1234",
  "ValidThruYear": "2022",
  "ValidThruMonth": "9"


Name Type Required Restrictions Description
ClubId integer false none none
ChainId integer false none none
MemberId integer false none none
CreationDate string(date) false none none
LastUpdateDate string(date) false none none
CreditCardNumber string false none Last 4 digits
ValidThruYear string false none e.g. 2022
ValidThruMonth string false none e.g. 1 or 12


  "ClubId": 0,
  "ChainId": 0,
  "CreationDate": "2019-08-24",
  "LastUpdateDate": "2019-08-24",
  "Id": 0,
  "MemberId": 0,
  "Present": 0,
  "PersonalTrainingId": 0,
  "BarItemId": 0,
  "Amount": 0,
  "LeftToUse": 0,
  "DateFrom": "2019-08-24",
  "DateTo": "2019-08-24",
  "Price": 0,
  "SellerUserId": 0


Name Type Required Restrictions Description
ClubId integer false none none
ChainId integer false none none
CreationDate string(date) false none none
LastUpdateDate string(date) false none none
Id integer false none none
MemberId integer false none none
Present integer false none none
PersonalTrainingId integer false none none
BarItemId integer false none none
Amount integer false none none
LeftToUse integer false none none
DateFrom string(date) false none none
DateTo string(date) false none none
Price number false none none
SellerUserId integer false none none


  "Id": 0,
  "Name": "string",
  "Description": "string"


Name Type Required Restrictions Description
Id integer false none Id of member status
Name string false none Name of member status
Description string false none Description of member status


  "ClubId": 0,
  "ChainId": 0,
  "Id": 0,
  "DateAdded": "2019-11-12 09:21:54.490",
  "MemberId": 0,
  "Status": 0,
  "PreviousStatus": 0


Name Type Required Restrictions Description
ClubId integer false none none
ChainId integer false none none
Id integer false none none
DateAdded string(date) false none Date with time, request parameters DateFrom and DateTo check this value.
MemberId integer false none none
Status integer false none none
PreviousStatus integer false none none


  "ClubId": 0,
  "ChainId": 0,
  "CreationDate": "2019-08-24",
  "LastUpdateDate": "2019-08-24",
  "Id": 0,
  "IsDeleted": 0,
  "Name": "string",
  "MembershipType": 0,
  "PeriodTime": 0,
  "PeriodType": 0,
  "IsFrontendVisible": 0,
  "SaleAnalyticAccount": "string",
  "AgreementFromFrontendVisibility": "2019-08-24",
  "AgreementToFrontendVisibility": "2019-08-24",
  "ValidFrom": "2019-08-24",
  "ValidTo": "2019-08-24",
  "SalesCategoryId": 0,
  "InstallmentPrice": 0,
  "MaxDiscount": 0,
  "NumberOfInstallments": 0,
  "FreezeAnalyticAccount": "string",
  "IsParallel": 0,
  "IsBackendVisible": 0,
  "TerminationPeriod": 0,
  "MinInstalmentsCountBeforeNotice": 0,
  "IsCurrentInstallmentDuringTerminationType": 0,
  "IsCurrentInstallmentDuringTerminationCount": 0,
  "AllowChoiceOfTerminationDate": 0,
  "TerminationFee": 0,
  "TerminationVat": 0,
  "TerminationFiscalName": "string",
  "InstallmentsDueImmediately": "string",
  "MaxSuspensions": 0,
  "MaxSuspensionTime": 0,
  "MaxSuspensionType": 0,
  "EntryLimitPerDay": 0,
  "EntryLimitPerWeek": 0,
  "EntryLimitPerMonth": 0,
  "EntryLimitPerFourWeeks": 0,
  "IsAdministrativeCharge": 0,
  "IsEnrollmentCharge": 0,
  "IsNotAdministrativeFeeWhenMemberIsCharged": 0,
  "EnableTerminationOfUnpaidAgreement": 0,
  "InstallmentScheduleType": 0,
  "SupplementaryFirstDayOfMonthInstallment": 0,
  "VatRate": 0,
  "FiscalName": "string",
  "AddDateToFiscalName": 0,
  "CommissionType": 0,
  "CommissionFirst": 0,
  "CommissionNext": 0,
  "IsInReports": 0,
  "AgeLimitFrom": 0,
  "AgeLimitTo": 0,
  "ConsiderPeriod": 0,
  "RenewalMonths": 0,
  "EndType": 0,
  "RenewalBeforeEndTime": 0,
  "RenewalBeforeEndType": 0,
  "MembershipIdToExtendCurrent": 0,
  "InstallmentPriceAfterRenewal": 0,
  "DaysToWarnBeforeAgreementEnds": 0,
  "InstallmentPriceDuringFreeze": 0,
  "VatDuringFreeze": 0,
  "FreezeFiscalName": "string",
  "AddDateToFreezeFiscalName": 0,
  "MaxFreezeCount": 0,
  "MaxFreezeDuration": 0,
  "DaysForFreezingNextinstallment": 0,
  "FreezingExtendsDuration": 0,
  "CanFreezeOngoingInstallment": 0,
  "IsFreezingReasonRequired": 0,
  "IsMaintenanceFee": 0,
  "InternetName": "string",
  "CategoryId": 0,
  "InternetPriority": 0,
  "JoiningFee": 0,
  "AdministrativeFee": 0,
  "AllowToTerminateOnline": 0,
  "AllowToCancelOnline": 0,
  "InternetDescription": "string"


Name Type Required Restrictions Description
ClubId integer false none none
ChainId integer false none none
CreationDate string(date) false none none
LastUpdateDate string(date) false none none
Id integer false none none
IsDeleted integer false none none
Name string false none none
MembershipType integer false none none
PeriodTime integer false none none
PeriodType integer false none Values are: 0 - days, 1 - weeks, 1 - months, 4 - four weeks, 5 - two weeks, 6 - three months
IsFrontendVisible integer false none Is available in Frontend
SaleAnalyticAccount string false none none
AgreementFromFrontendVisibility string(date) false none If set membership is visible in Frontend from this date
AgreementToFrontendVisibility string(date) false none If set membership is visible in Frontend to this date
ValidFrom string(date) false none If set membership have to be bought in Frontend from this date
ValidTo string(date) false none If set membership have to be bought in Frontend to this date
SalesCategoryId integer false none none
InstallmentPrice number false none none
MaxDiscount number(integer) false none In percents
NumberOfInstallments integer false none none
FreezeAnalyticAccount string false none none
IsParallel integer false none Is parallel or overlaping
IsBackendVisible integer false none Sale in club is allowed
TerminationPeriod integer false none none
MinInstalmentsCountBeforeNotice integer false none Allow membership termination after instalment no.
IsCurrentInstallmentDuringTerminationType integer false none Current installment during termination period. Values: 0 - No, 1 - Up to x days since installment's starting date, 2 - up to x days before installment's ending date
IsCurrentInstallmentDuringTerminationCount integer false none Value set in IsCurrentInstallmentDuringTerminationType is set to 1 or 2.
AllowChoiceOfTerminationDate integer false none none
TerminationFee number false none none
TerminationVat number false none none
TerminationFiscalName string false none Short name printed on receipt during termination.
InstallmentsDueImmediately string false none none
MaxSuspensions integer false none none
MaxSuspensionTime integer false none none
MaxSuspensionType integer false none Period type for MaxSuspensionTime. Values: 0 - days, 1 - weeks, 2 - months
EntryLimitPerDay integer false none none
EntryLimitPerWeek integer false none none
EntryLimitPerMonth integer false none none
EntryLimitPerFourWeeks integer false none none
IsAdministrativeCharge integer false none none
IsEnrollmentCharge integer false none none
IsNotAdministrativeFeeWhenMemberIsCharged integer false none Do not charge administrative fee at the time member is added
EnableTerminationOfUnpaidAgreement integer false none none
InstallmentScheduleType integer false none 0 - standard, 1 - supplement, 2 - reversal supplement
SupplementaryFirstDayOfMonthInstallment integer false none If set to 1: Add a supplementary installment to agreements signed on the first day of the month
VatRate number false none none
FiscalName string false none Name printed on receipt
AddDateToFiscalName integer false none Add installment duration to description
CommissionType integer false none Commission for staff who sold membership: 0 or empty value - no commission, 1 - agreement, 2 - installment
CommissionFirst number false none none
CommissionNext number false none none
IsInReports integer false none none
AgeLimitFrom integer false none none
AgeLimitTo integer false none none
ConsiderPeriod integer false none Take membership period into account
RenewalMonths integer false none Promotional membership renewal
EndType integer false none What happens when agreement ends: 0 - do nothing, 1 - automatic renewal, 2 - change membership period to indefinite, 3 - continue with selected agreement)
RenewalBeforeEndTime integer false none How much time before agreement ends automatic renewal occurs
RenewalBeforeEndType integer false none 1 - days, 2 - weeks, 3 - months
MembershipIdToExtendCurrent integer false none Membership Id that will extend current membership
InstallmentPriceAfterRenewal number false none none
DaysToWarnBeforeAgreementEnds integer false none none
InstallmentPriceDuringFreeze number false none none
VatDuringFreeze number false none none
FreezeFiscalName string false none Name on the receipt during freeze
AddDateToFreezeFiscalName integer false none none
MaxFreezeCount integer false none none
MaxFreezeDuration integer false none none
DaysForFreezingNextinstallment integer false none none
FreezingExtendsDuration integer false none none
CanFreezeOngoingInstallment integer false none none
IsFreezingReasonRequired integer false none none
IsMaintenanceFee integer false none none
InternetName string false none Membership name in frontend
CategoryId integer false none none
InternetPriority integer false none none
JoiningFee integer false none none
AdministrativeFee number false none none
AllowToTerminateOnline integer false none Allow member to terminate membership
AllowToCancelOnline integer false none Allow membership cancellation after first failed credit/debit card payment
InternetDescription string false none Membership additional description in frontend


  "ClubId": 0,
  "ChainId": 0,
  "Id": 0,
  "Name": "string",
  "SystemType": "string",
  "IsActive": 0


Name Type Required Restrictions Description
ClubId integer false none none
ChainId integer false none none
Id integer false none none
Name string false none none
SystemType string false none e.g. cash, transfer, credit card or mixed
IsActive integer false none none


  "ClubId": 0,
  "ChainId": 0,
  "CreationDate": "2019-08-24",
  "LastUpdateDate": "2019-08-24",
  "Id": 0,
  "MemberId": 0,
  "UserId": 0,
  "PaymentId": "string",
  "PaymentGatewayId": "string",
  "Value": 0,
  "Type": 0,
  "Response": "string",
  "Status": 0,
  "StatusCode": "string",
  "IsOnlinePayment": 0,
  "Description": "string",
  "CardOperator": 0,
  "PlaceOfPayment": 0,
  "InternalCardOperator": 0


Name Type Required Restrictions Description
ClubId integer false none none
ChainId integer false none none
CreationDate string(date) false none none
LastUpdateDate string(date) false none none
Id integer false none none
MemberId integer false none none
UserId integer false none none
PaymentId string false none none
PaymentGatewayId string false none none
Value number false none none
Type integer false none none
Response string false none none
Status integer false none none
StatusCode string false none none
IsOnlinePayment integer false none none
Description string false none none
CardOperator integer false none none
PlaceOfPayment integer false none none
InternalCardOperator integer false none none


  "ClubId": 0,
  "ChainId": 0,
  "CreationDate": "2019-08-24",
  "LastUpdateDate": "2019-08-24",
  "Id": 0,
  "PaymentOrderId": 0,
  "InstallmentId": 0,
  "AgreementChargeId": 0,
  "BarSaleId": 0,
  "GiftId": 0,
  "ScheduleItemId": 0,
  "Value": 0


Name Type Required Restrictions Description
ClubId integer false none none
ChainId integer false none none
CreationDate string(date) false none none
LastUpdateDate string(date) false none none
Id integer false none none
PaymentOrderId integer false none none
InstallmentId integer false none none
AgreementChargeId integer false none none
BarSaleId integer false none none
GiftId integer false none none
ScheduleItemId integer false none none
Value number false none none


  "ClubId": 0,
  "ChainId": 0,
  "CreationDate": "2019-08-24",
  "LastUpdateDate": "2019-08-24",
  "Id": 0,
  "DateFrom": "2019-08-24",
  "DateTo": "2019-08-24",
  "Description": "string",
  "Status": 0,
  "CoachUserId": 0,
  "IsIntroductoryTraining": 0,
  "PersonalTrainingTypeId": 0


Name Type Required Restrictions Description
ClubId integer false none none
ChainId integer false none none
CreationDate string(date) false none none
LastUpdateDate string(date) false none none
Id integer false none none
DateFrom string(date) false none none
DateTo string(date) false none none
Description string false none none
Status integer false none none
CoachUserId integer false none none
IsIntroductoryTraining integer false none none
PersonalTrainingTypeId integer false none none


  "ClubId": 0,
  "ChainId": 0,
  "Id": 0,
  "Name": "string",
  "Color": "string"


Name Type Required Restrictions Description
ClubId integer false none none
ChainId integer false none none
Id integer false none none
Name string false none none
Color string false none none


  "ClubId": 0,
  "ChainId": 0,
  "CreationDate": "2019-08-24",
  "LastUpdateDate": "2019-08-24",
  "Id": 0,
  "IsDeleted": 0,
  "Name": "string",
  "ShortName": "string",
  "GrossPrice": 0,
  "VAT": 0,
  "SaleCategoryId": 0,
  "IsTrainig": 0,
  "IsService": 0,
  "IsVisibleInSalePart": 0,
  "MaxDiscount": 0,
  "Unit": "string",
  "SaleAnalyticAccount": "string",
  "PurchaseAnalyticAccount": "string"


Name Type Required Restrictions Description
ClubId integer false none none
ChainId integer false none none
CreationDate string(date) false none none
LastUpdateDate string(date) false none none
Id integer false none none
IsDeleted integer false none none
Name string false none none
ShortName string false none none
GrossPrice number false none none
VAT number false none none
SaleCategoryId integer false none none
IsTrainig integer false none none
IsService integer false none none
IsVisibleInSalePart integer false none none
MaxDiscount number false none Maximum percent discount
Unit string false none none
SaleAnalyticAccount string false none none
PurchaseAnalyticAccount string false none none


  "ClubId": 0,
  "ChainId": 0,
  "CreationDate": "2019-08-24",
  "LastUpdateDate": "2019-08-24",
  "Id": "string",
  "Number": "string",
  "PaymentFormId": 0,
  "UserId": 0,
  "Type": 0,
  "IsHold": 0,
  "IsCancelled": 0,
  "SubmitDate": "2019-08-24",
  "TotalPrice": 0,
  "CashierName": "string",
  "InstallmentId": 0,
  "BarSaleId": 0,
  "CustomerId": 0,
  "InvoiceId": 0,
  "Contractor": "string"


Name Type Required Restrictions Description
ClubId integer false none none
ChainId integer false none none
CreationDate string(date) false none none
LastUpdateDate string(date) false none none
Id string false none GUID
Number string false none none
PaymentFormId integer false none none
UserId integer false none none
Type integer false none none
IsHold integer false none none
IsCancelled integer false none none
SubmitDate string(date) false none none
TotalPrice number false none none
CashierName string false none none
InstallmentId integer false none none
BarSaleId integer false none none
CustomerId integer false none none
InvoiceId integer false none none
Contractor string false none none


  "ClubId": 0,
  "ChainId": 0,
  "CreationDate": "2019-08-24",
  "LastUpdateDate": "2019-08-24",
  "Id": 0,
  "ReceiptId": "string",
  "Name": "string",
  "Amount": 0,
  "VatSymbol": "string",
  "VAT": 0,
  "UnitPrice": 0,
  "TotalPrice": 0,
  "BarItemId": 0,
  "InstallmentId": 0,
  "SaleCategoryName": "string",
  "SaleCategoryId": 0,
  "BarSaleItemId": 0


Name Type Required Restrictions Description
ClubId integer false none none
ChainId integer false none none
CreationDate string(date) false none none
LastUpdateDate string(date) false none none
Id integer false none none
ReceiptId string false none GUID
Name string false none none
Amount number false none none
VatSymbol string false none none
VAT number false none none
UnitPrice number false none none
TotalPrice number false none none
BarItemId integer false none none
InstallmentId integer false none none
SaleCategoryName string false none none
SaleCategoryId integer false none none
BarSaleItemId integer false none none


  "ClubId": 0,
  "ChainId": 0,
  "Id": 0,
  "Name": "string",
  "IsAdministrator": 0


Name Type Required Restrictions Description
ClubId integer false none none
ChainId integer false none none
Id integer false none none
Name string false none none
IsAdministrator integer false none none


  "ClubId": 0,
  "ChainId": 0,
  "Id": 0,
  "Name": "string",
  "IsVisibleInSalePart": 0,
  "IsDeleted": 0


Name Type Required Restrictions Description
ClubId integer false none none
ChainId integer false none none
Id integer false none none
Name string false none none
IsVisibleInSalePart integer false none none
IsDeleted integer false none none


  "ClubId": 0,
  "ChainId": 0,
  "Id": 0,
  "ProductId": 0,
  "ParticipatingProductId": 0,
  "Amount": 0


Name Type Required Restrictions Description
ClubId integer false none none
ChainId integer false none none
Id integer false none none
ProductId integer false none none
ParticipatingProductId number false none none
Amount number false none none


  "ClubId": 0,
  "ChainId": 0,
  "AgreementId": 0,
  "CreationDate": "2019-08-24",
  "LastUpdateDate": "2019-08-24",
  "Id": 0,
  "DateFrom": "2019-08-24",
  "DateTo": "2019-08-24",
  "Duration": 0,
  "DurationType": 0,
  "UserId": 0


Name Type Required Restrictions Description
ClubId integer false none none
ChainId integer false none none
AgreementId integer false none none
CreationDate string(date) false none none
LastUpdateDate string(date) false none none
Id integer false none none
DateFrom string(date) false none none
DateTo string(date) false none none
Duration number false none none
DurationType number false none Values are: 0 - days, 1 - weeks, 2 - months, 4 - four weeks, 5 - two weeks, 6 - three months
UserId integer false none none


  "ClubId": 0,
  "ChainId": 0,
  "CreationDate": "2019-08-24",
  "LastUpdateDate": "2019-08-24",
  "Id": 0,
  "Value": 0,
  "UserId": 0,
  "MemberId": 0,
  "Type": 0,
  "InstallmentId": 0,
  "AgreementChargeId": 0,
  "BarSaleId": 0,
  "WalletId": 0,
  "PaymentFormId": 0,
  "CashReportId": 0,
  "PaymentDocumentId": 0,
  "InvoiceIncomeId": 0,
  "Contractor": "2019-08-24",
  "Description": "string",
  "Number": 0,
  "Month": 0,
  "Year": 0,
  "Evidence": "string",
  "Saldo": 0,
  "CustomerAddress": "string",
  "FullNumber": "string",
  "FiscalDocumentNumber": "string",
  "UniqueNumber": "string"


Name Type Required Restrictions Description
ClubId integer false none none
ChainId integer false none none
CreationDate string(date) false none none
LastUpdateDate string(date) false none none
Id integer false none none
Value number false none none
UserId integer false none none
MemberId integer false none none
Type integer false none Types are: Installment = 0, Wallet = 1, Bar = 2, CashDeskOut = 3, CashDeskIn = 4, Others = 5, Prepaid = 6, InstallmentUnpaid = 7, BarUnpaid = 8
InstallmentId integer false none none
AgreementChargeId integer false none none
BarSaleId integer false none none
WalletId integer false none none
PaymentFormId integer false none none
CashReportId integer false none none
PaymentDocumentId integer false none none
InvoiceIncomeId integer false none none
Contractor string(date) false none none
Description string false none none
Number integer false none none
Month integer false none none
Year integer false none none
Evidence string false none none
Saldo number false none none
CustomerAddress string false none none
FullNumber string false none none
FiscalDocumentNumber string false none none
UniqueNumber string false none none


  "ClubId": 0,
  "ChainId": 0,
  "CreationDate": "2019-08-24",
  "LastUpdateDate": "2019-08-24",
  "Id": 0,
  "UserId": 0,
  "Login": "string",
  "FirstName": "string",
  "Surname": "string",
  "Nip": "string",
  "RatePerHour": 0,
  "Email": "string",
  "Phone": "string",
  "HasAccess": 0,
  "IsDeleted": 0,
  "IsInstructor": 0,
  "IsAgreementPromotor": 0,
  "IsDealer": 0,
  "IsCoach": 0,
  "RoleIds": "3;5;12"


Name Type Required Restrictions Description
ClubId integer false none none
ChainId integer false none none
CreationDate string(date) false none none
LastUpdateDate string(date) false none none
Id integer false none Unique id defined for every entry of user in each club
UserId integer false none Unique id of user credentials and data; not unique
Login string false none none
FirstName string false none none
Surname string false none none
Nip string false none none
RatePerHour number false none none
Email string false none none
Phone string false none none
HasAccess integer false none none
IsDeleted integer false none none
IsInstructor integer false none none
IsAgreementPromotor integer false none none
IsDealer integer false none none
IsCoach integer false none none
RoleIds string false none Role ids separated by ;


  "ClubId": 0,
  "ChainId": 0,
  "Id": 0,
  "Name": "string",
  "IsDisabled": 0,
  "IsKeepingNegativeInventory": 0


Name Type Required Restrictions Description
ClubId integer false none none
ChainId integer false none none
Id integer false none none
Name string false none none
IsDisabled integer false none none
IsKeepingNegativeInventory integer false none none